

Hope's words stung even though they weren't intended to. If he loved her? "Don't play that card," he warns. "Whether I love you or not has nothing to do with this. I've got a problem you can't fix, so you think you can just send me off like some malfunctioned equipment to get repaired."

His eyes narrow. "Don't you dare force me. I told you I wasn't going and I meant it. This is my house and I will do what I darn well please, whether it's missing breakfast or listening to music you two don't like. This is my life. And I'm staying." Too distracted by talking with Hope, he hadn't realized that Reese had slipped around to the other doorway. He starts to back up again, feeling cornered.

Reese steps inside and lays a hand on Scott's shoulder to stop him. Scott whirls around in surprise, almost falling backward.

"Easy." Reese doesn't give him an inch to get around him. "Just let us help, Scott. That's all we're trying to do."

"Help?" Scott gropes for the counter as he backs away from Reese. "You call this help? Forcing me from my own home?" Seeing a way into the hall, he jumps at it, to skirt around Reese and get to his room where he could lock the door. Unfortunately, Reese was faster.

Reese catches Scott and pulls him into a bear hug, immobilizing his arms. Scott howls and throws his head back, whacking Reese squarely in the mouth. Though in pain now, Reese doesn't let go. "Scott, calm down," he barks. "You're going ot hurt yourself."

"Let me go!" Panic set in as Scott was held from behind. His heart began to race and he fought for all he was worth, sending Reese into the counter, knocking things over. Still held, he kicks at Reese's shins and tries to break free, but Reese was simply more powerful.

Hearing her master in trouble, Domino comes skirting around the corner, barking and going for Reese's ankles, grabbing his jeans with her teeth. Reese tries to maintain a grip on Scott, now with more to worry about. He looks to Hope, desperate. "I need your help right about now."

"No!" Scott screams. "Let me go!"

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