
Another Time

As Gunner pulls away Bree watching him with a carouse look on her face to what he was doing. Finally understanding Bree cant help but the small laugh that escaped her lips.

"The biting will have to wait for another time."

Walking over to the bench to sit next to Gunner Bree wraps her fingers around his. Just holding him right almost as if she didn't he might vanish right before her eyes.

Thinking for a moment about his question Bree new the answer wouldn't be to great but she would explain a little to Gunner away. If it meant giving her more time with him than it was well worth it.

"Well...I've been pretty quiet. Not back to work yet let alone know if I even have a job. Things are just really rough right now. I miss you something awful and I can't wait to have you around again. The sun just doesn't seem to shin are bright without getting to see you every day. I try to stay positive, but it doesn't help much."

Bree still had so many emotions raging inside that went to so many different places. Her parents, what had happened to her, what they were doing to Gunner. She was hurt inside, even though she had made it through everything, she was still hurting and not having her solid ground there, someone who was a little crazy like her was hard and it felt so lonely.

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