

"Aw...." Gunner grins and accepts the gum. "You do know how to make me feel good, don't you?"

Tucking the gum in his pocket, he hides it for now for him to enjoy later. Standing up, he walks as far as he can next to Bree before he has to stop. Taking her hand and giving her one last kiss through the bars, he smiles his farewell. "Chin up... I'll see you soon."

Watching her leave, he nods to JT, with whom he hadn't been able to speak, but it was okay. JT knew that his job was to take care of Bree, and he would.

And once again, silence falls over the jail cell. Gunner stands for a long time, just looking at the door before finally retreating to his cot once again. Sucking the last bit of float from the cup, he tosses it in the waste can and leans back against the wall, closing his eyes. There was light at the end of the tunnel.

And so life continues to move on. The hands of time spin around the clock faces faster than anyone would like, bringing every moment closer to becoming the past. And it seems without warning, two days have gone by, leaving only memories.

Scott sits on the floor in his living room, his arms around his legs. The last couple days had been quiet. He'd turned off the ringer on his phone and hadn't gone out but once or twice to get the mail. He'd focused on developing more film, and had slept much of the days away, feeling too weary to do much else. Nightmares kept him awake in terror in the night, so sleeping during the day had become a habit. Today though, he'd found the picture he'd wanted. He'd taken it over a week ago in a flower shop, gaining permission to shoot a bright red lily. It had turned out better than planned, and he was sure that this one he could sell.

For now though, he was tired again, and sitting on the floor in the corner was somehow safer than out in the open, even in his own house. He wasn't sure what time it was. Skipping most meals, losing track of time was easy.

Reese parks his car on the curb and shuts off the engine, looking to Hope and taking a deep breath. "Well... let's do this."

Hope had confirmed that Brookshire was a safe place, and had also confirmed that Scott had shown no signs of improvement, only more decline. Reese had made the arrangements for taking Scott to the hospital and now they were at Scott's house, ready to go and break the news to him.

Mustering up what gumption he could, Reese exits the car and waits for Hope before walking up to the front door. He rings the doorbell and waits. Hearing nothing, he knocks and calls out. "Scott? Are you home?"

Scott stirs from his seat on the floor, hearing the doorbell. A chill runs down his spine. Who was here? What did they want? Then hearing Reese's voice, he relaxes. He didn't know what Reese wanted, but it wasn't an enemy.

Finally getting up, he wanders to the door and unlocks it, opening it up. Seeing both Reese and Hope though, catches him by surprise. "Oh... hi." Confusion was in his voice. "What's up?"

Reese offers a smile. "Can we come in."

"Yeah... sure." Still leery, Scott backs up so they can come in. His living room looked like it had become a photo lab... an obsession of the art instead of a hobby.

Reese gestures to the kitchen table. "Shall we sit?"

Scott looks at Hope, wondering what was going on. Something felt strange. Why were they here together? What had happened? What was wrong. He searches her eyes, but doesn't find the answers. "Um... sure."

Joining them at the table, all three sit and Scott continues to look at them for answers. "This doesn't feel like a social call... what's going on?"

Reese looks to Hope, letting her speak first.

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