
Go figure

Kyle's smile widens. He hadn't thought that Alice would back off, but knowing for sure that she wanted to stick with him and share these times gave him a confidence for the future.

Pulling her closer, his hand comes up to cradle her face. "I do want you that close to me," he almost whispers. Cocking his head, his lips brush hers for an ever-so-light kiss before returning for a more passionate gesture as his arms slip around her.

Eventually drawing back, a smile is still on his face, his eyes sparkling with energy being held at bay so as not to ruin the moment. "I guess we better eat before the food spoils."

"Hey, good morning." Chance swivels a little in his seat, glancing back to see Destiny. "Things are looking quiet... a very good sign."

Stifling a yawn, he runs a hand through his damp hair, making it even more unruly than it already was. "Far as I know, everything stayed clear last night, so for one day into it, things are looking good."

Taking another swig of tea, he eyes her with question. "Sleep alright?"

Justin had been turned around and hadn't even realized Beth was coming towards him when she almost runs into him. He backs up a step as well, his eyes going a little wide. "Beth, hey." A sheepish grin tugs at the corners of his mouth. "Um, yes, well you see..."

He clears his throat and holds up the bag. "I'm in a bit of a pickle here. My dear mother, bless her, she sometimes gets the impression I don't eat right, so when I go see her, she generally gives me a lunch. I can't complain. Her cooking is great. Well, see..."

He looks around again, once more seeming to search for something before concentrating back on Beth again. "Today she fixed two chicken salad sandwiches and honestly they're fantastic but I can't eat more than one. I'm desperate to find somebody who will share my lunch with me so I can honestly tell my mother that they got eaten. I even have two cans of juice in my backpack. Go figure."

Justin's gaze roams the area and building then lands on the two sandwiches before bouncing back to Beth. "You don't know of anybody, do you?"

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