

Turning from Justin as he leaves Dalton goes back to his work to continue what he was doing. Weather he would see Justin again or not he didn't know but he really didn't care ether. He didn't like the guy and he wasn't sure if it was because he was a councilor or make it was just him in general.

Getting back to work Dalton looks up again seeing Reese. Giving a nod and a slight wave to him Dalton watches him for a moment.

"I'm alright."

Hearing he was here to take Scott's name plate from the door Dalton gets a little stiff. He new this had to be Justin's doing and a little more anger twords the man grows. Keeping his voice calms he looks at Reese.

"You can take it down Reese but I will put another one up. Even if Scott dosnt work here anymore, this is not just my office. He put as much heart into this as I have, and for that his name should stay. Its not a statement for me to think he is coming back, its saying he is just important in this place as I am."

Giving a smile to Chance and turning around to make it a little easier for him to clip the necklace Destiny breaths a little slowly so she doesn't move around to much for Chance. Giving a soft chuckle at Chance's comment Destiny turns around to look at him again smile.

"I'll make sure not to fly unless you come with me. Thank you."

Taking a few steps back Destiny can't stop smile as she looks back at Chance.

"I sure do want to drive still. I love driving. Figured we could head to the mall for a little bit before I go to set up a few things for my parents funeral. Than if we need to go to TJY we can."

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