

"Doesn't bother me to have you drive." Chance shrugs. Grinning as she walks into the kitchen, he hollers after her. "You're prolly right. If there's one thing I wouldn't be able to keep up with, it would be a woman's indecision and change of mind."

Doing a bit more work Chance eventually shuts his laptop and starts to get ready to go, putting on his boots and tucks in his black t-shirt. Opening up his gun case, he dons one of his holsters, checking his handgun before securing it on his left side. Fishing for his Elite badge, he pulls it out and grabs the chain to wear around his neck. If he was gonna be walking around with an unconcealed weapon, it might save some headaches to show his badge loud and clear. Lifting up his pantleg, he fixes his small sheath around his ankle and tucks away his knife out of sight. On the other ankle goes his derringer. That should be sufficient for today. Wallet. Cell phone. He was ready to head out. It was warm enough today that a jacket wouldn't be needed.

Wandering towards the door, he checks out the windows before jingling the keys. "Alright, Princess," he calls. "Ready when you are."

"A matching game... genius." Rick shakes his head as he hears about Justin's idea for Scott.

Justin shrugs and leans against the infirmary counter. "Yeah, well... I figured it's gotta be on his own terms. And the only way to do that without being here, is for him to do the unveiling of those faces himself. Alec figured Scott should know most if not all of them."

"But he hasn't wanted to try it yet."

"Uh-uh." Justin shakes his head. "Do we know how much time we really have with him?"

"No." Rick sighs. "Alec says it all depends on Scott. But what we do know is the longer it takes, the less chance Scott has of gaining control. Alec thinks probably one more episode and we might lose him."

"And any trigger could cause an attack." Justin purses his lips grimly. He didn't like the risks involved here, but there really was no other way. Scott would either conquer or lose everything. But it all depended on him and whether he would try to overcome this. Justin could only pray that Scott would choose to turn over those cards and begin the road to recovery. "Well... I just wanted to see if there was anything I'd missed. Thank you, Rick."

"No... thank you."

"Alec here today?"

Rick rolls his eyes. "He was. He's been slipping out under our radar lately though, so good luck finding him."

Justin chuckles. "Alright. Thanks." He wanders from the infirmary, a bit tired from the day, but at least he was in better shape than the last time he was here. Walking past an open office, he looks up at the door, seeing Dalton's name again, but noticing that Scott's name was still there as well. As far as Justin knew, Scott had resigned before being admitted to Brookshire. Whose hopeful thinking kept the name on the door?

Tapping lightly, he looks in on the giant behind the desk. "Dalton?" He offers a smile, though was cautious, remembering his last visit and how Dalton hadn't been very receptive. "Hi. Don't wanna take up your time here, but, I was wondering...." He thumbs to the door. "Can I borrow Scott's nameplate?"

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