
Warm feeling

Hearing up the sidewalk Beth's stride was a little slower than normal making her late on her visit. It had been a rough night for her with little sleep, but prying herself out of bed she was here again today like always. Never would she miss a day because of her own problems when her sister needed her more.

Walking with her head down and not paying to much attachen to where she was going Beth gives a glance up finally coming to a screeching halt as she almost runs right into Justin. Taking a few steps back she recovers giving just a few blinks.

"Oh Justin, Hi...I'm sorry I didn't mean to just almost blow you over. You seem to be in a normal mood other than a little lost."

Looking up at him and studying his face for a long moment she wondered if he had lost something. He certainty did look like he did, balls, paint, what could it be now?

"Mmmm...I missed you too. It's hard being a shadow without someone to follow."

Leaning over to Kyle and giving him a kiss Alice smiles it felt good to be with Kyle again. The night had been long and lonely her apartment feeling to quiet but she had made it through non the less.

Cuddling just a little bit with Kyle they were finally off again. Though they talked a little here and there on there way for the most part it was quiet. Knowing they were going to the beach for a picnic Alice wasn't sure where on the beach so not pulling into the normal area she didnt worry knowing Kyle new right where he was going.

Finally stopping and seeing Kyle get out Alice gets out and follows. Taking in a breath of the air it felt nice to be here. Being on the water front Alice loves it, the smell, the sound it was really great. Finding Kyle's hand with her own Alice holds on to it her fingers locked with his as she listens to him tell her about this place.

Just staying quiet her eyes search his taking in what he said and listing. A warm new feeling building inside knowing he took her here before anyone else. That this special place was theirs, and only there to share. It made her feel so warm and fuzzy.

Smiling as Kyle fills her in and lets her know he wanted her to know the parts of him and the people no one else new made her feel very good inside, it was nice to know she meant that much to Kyle.

"Ok Crazy..."

Alice's smile grows even more at her little bit of humor of calling Kyle crazy like he asked.

"....I'd love to get to see these places, and your family. Getting to know the deeper you is a wonderful thing and something I look forward to very much. I don't think it will be scare ether, not as long as your next to me. We are strong together."

Looking out at the water again for a moment Alice's hair blows in the soft wind, the rays from the sun warming her face as the water sang there song against the rocks.

"This is such a lovely place, I can't wait to see more with you. Thank you Kyle for sharing this with me, for sharing you with me. It's an amazing feeling to know you want me to be that close to you."

Exiting her room with a pare of blue PJ shorts on and a pale blue tank top Destiny gives a yawn her feet making a soft patter on the floor. Going into the kitchen Destiny pours herself a glass of milk before coming back into the living room where Chance was.

She'd slept ok that night, a bit of tossing and turning, some bad dreams did come and she sure sure she had been whimpering in her sleep but maybe she hadn't. She could only hope tonight would be a little better.

"Good Morning!"

Giving a smile and taking a sip of the milk Destiny smacks her lips together making her way over to the couch and sitting down on it. Pulling her legs up and under her.

"Hows everything looking this morning?"

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