
Stick with

Victoria couldn't help the emotions that churned inside. Leaving was hard, saying good bye to Garret was like death, but staying...what would saying be like? Victoria couldn't help but keep coming back to that.

   "I like Nate, he seems pretty trustworthy. Sick with him Garret and I think you'll be ok."

Standing and going over to Garret Victoria sits down in his lap. This might be there last moments together, maybe forever and she didn't want to wast them. To be in Garret's arms, to take in the warmth and try to hold it forever.

   "I love you too Garret, with all I am. I will always love you, and only you. If you are ever in trouble I'll come running."

Walking with Susanne Chuck stayed close. Susanne was strong he had no doubt about that but still he was there for when she needed him and he new it would come sooner or later. Getting to the door and pausing for a long moment Chuck can feel the fear that Susanne felt. It must be terrible to come back to the place you call home, but it no longer feels that way.

  "Of course I can, and I can stay for as long as you need me too. You don't gave to be alone."

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