

Victoria's words were exactly what Garret had been afraid of all this time, and it put a knot in his gut. He opened his mouth to respond, but stopped as the door opened. It was Pete, and he was with Katie and Susanne. 

Pete immediately took note that handcuffs were missing, but opted not to say anything. Truth be told, he was just a bit afraid to. This was the second time Garret had taken him out, and it was making him more than nervous. All he could do now was hope for no trouble on the way back.

It didn't take long for everything to be wrapped up and have both vehicles headed back to headquarters. The drive was quiet - Susanne still nervous, and Garret refusing to speak in front of anyone at this point. Reese's angry quietnes only added to the tension, making the ride feel longer than it really was. 

Once they were back at the Elite, Gunner and Rick took Aaron to the infirmary where Rick immediately started work on his leg in the back room. Susanne was also brought hobbling in so Misty could help patch up any cuts or scrapes, and check her ankle. Arriving at the infirmary though, the first person Susanne saw was Chuck, and tears instantly rose in her eyes. There had been more than once she wasn't sure if she'd ever see him again. But here he was...waiting for her. Too overwhelmed with everything, she couldn't even find any words to say.

In the interrogation room, Garret sat with Victoria. They'd been left in here alone - most likely just to keep them somewhere until someone decided what to do with them after this morning's events. It wasn't ideal, but at least now Garret could finally respond to what Victoria had said earlier, and amazingly, they'd been left free of their restraints.

"Please stay," he begged quietly, taking her hand. "It can be better... I know it can. It will just take some time." 

His eyes pleaded with her, and it hurt, seeing how sad she was. He'd done this. All of it. "I can't go back... I can't be a part of the insanity any longer. I can't be ten feet from you all the time and not allowed to touch you. I can't keep killing innocent people just to give your grandfather more power." His grip on her hand tightened. Could she understand him at all? "I believed in the cause once. But since knowing you, I have realized there's more to life than being behind a wall that locks out the world." 

His free hand went to the side of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "If you can't stand it here, lets just run away together. Disappear." It was a nice thought, but he knew good and well that would only mean they'd be on the run their entire lives. At least here they'd have the Elite watching their backs...eventually. He'd given his word to Nate and Reese that he'd stay, but if Victoria would run with him, he'd go. But in his heart of hearts, he knew it would just make things harder, and she knew that, too.

"I just don't know what I'd do without you," he whispered. "All I wanted was for us to finally be together. But it looks like I made the wrong choice."

Eric felt as if he should smile at Stacy's comment about the babies, but it just wouldn't come. He was glad they all thought the twins were cute, but...there was still a chance they weren't his. And it would be a couple days before they knew for sure, one way or the other.

"I always wanted my own famiy," he admitted. "But now... I don't even know how I could provide enough for one. If all this is true, I can't be on the road weeks at s time...but without driving, I've... I've got nothing."

Old emotions of feeling stupid crept into his mind. He had so little to offer in the way of good work. All he'd been for so long was just a driver. So what, that he loved horses? What could he really do?

"I'm not so sure I could give two kids the best chance anyway..."

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