
Now What?

Garret was surprised, to say the least, by Nate’s actions. Not only was he letting them go without a fight, he was actually helping? Why was he so different than everyone else?

Outside, Garret felt as if someone was squeezing his heart. The one thing in life that had given him purpose and made sense, and he was losing it. Was this really it? He couldn’t believe it. He just couldn’t. It couldn’t be over. Not forever. But it felt like it. And it was still his own fault. 

He couldn’t say anything as Victoria walked away. Nothing seemed to fit. Nothing seemed enough. She knew how he felt, and he could add nothing to it, unless he were to get down on his knees and beg her to stay – and he knew that would only cause her more pain. All he could do was watch as she got into the taxi. 

At Nate’s words, Garret’s head snapped in his direction, his eyes betraying him with raw surprise. He looked back at the car driving away, then back at Nate. He knew? How? And why had he still let her go? Straightening a little, he tensed, trying to figure out if Nate was suddenly hinting at blackmail, or if he just wanted to let Garret know he wasn’t stupid. His training wanted him to believe this whole thing had been some sort of trap or setup. But his recent experience wanted him to believe Nate was truly being honest and helpful. 

“I just lost…everything,” he hissed. “My entire purpose for coming to this hell just walked away. If that information leaks to the wrong person and is used against her, so help me…” He gritted his teeth as his hands turned to fists. He didn’t like threatening Nate. But he knew no other way to communicate how he felt. He had just destroyed everything in one move, and felt more stuck than he had since coming here. 

He didn’t finish his threat, but simply turned in time to see the taxi cab finally disappear. It was over. And now he was here in a bar-less prison to serve out his time. And he’d really just walked into this willingly? How stupid could he have been? 

Walking away from Nate before he lashed out, he took his anger out on a nearby recycling bin instead with an anguished yell, and a swift kick that sent tin cans and plastic bottles flying. A second kick sent the bin itself clattering across the parking lot. Breathing heavily, he turned back to lean against the brick building, squeezing his eyes shut tight. “So now what? I go back to my cell? Aaron goes to prison? That would make my entire screw-up complete.”

Susanne nestled into Chuck, so thankful for his warmth…his comfort. Just burying her face against his chest, she cried – all her emotions from the last few days spilling out all at once.

Eventually, her tears slowed, her trembling stopped, and she just closed her eyes, remaining in his embrace. She swallowed hard and sniffed, her one hand coming up to fiddle with a seam in Chuck’s shirt. “I was so scared,” she admitted quietly. “I just…I couldn’t stop him. I tried. I just…I wasn’t strong enough.” She sniffed again and nuzzled in closer. “I thought I could…could take care of myself. But he was just so strong…”

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