

Once Katie goes to make the sandwiches, Jeff heads to his horse's stall to start saddling up. He knew Katie would give him all the time in the world, but he wouldn't lollygag. 

As he has his mount in the crossties, movement catches his eye and he looks down the barn aisle to see Eric and Stacy walking by. Together. Yes, obviously together. Again, that strange little feeling enters his gut and he sighs. Well, so much for that. Hopefully Eric was happy at any rate. It did seem a little unfair though. He'd had it in mind to do something special with Stacy and Ashlee as a belated birthday treat for Ashlee but... maybe that wouldn't be so smart now.

Pain brings his mind back to what he was doing, and he realizes that he'd just cut his hand on the buckle to his saddle's girth. Muttering under his breath, he wipes the blood off on his jeans, but it the cut was just deep enough that it didn't want to stop bleeding. Sighing, he goes to the supply room for the first aid kit. He knew good and well to take care of this one - he was on blood thinner for his heart and if he didn't get this covered, he might never get it to stop bleeding. Strike two for the day.

It takes a bit of doing, along with several bandaids, but once he's finally got that under control, he goes back to tacking up, trying hard not to let these things get to him. Everything was fine. He was fine. Things were good. His daughter was here... it was going to be a good day. 

Once finished, he leads his horse outside to wait for Katie. 

Jason laughs and heads out into the hall. "The Sandwich Basket it is then. Do I look like a guy who would argue with the baby? Ten bucks says he or she will have at least five times your stubbornness, and that, I will not go up against." 

Leading the way outside and to his pickup, the ride to the little restaurant doesn't take long. It was a little later in the evening so it wasn't very busy - which was pleasant. 

Seated to the side, Jason works on his sub, while conversation has a bit of a hard time coming. It was kind of strange though... even though there were many pauses, Jason didn't feel they were awkward. As unfortunate as it was, he and Misty had something in common right now and neither needed to say it. 

"Mmm." Pete returns Nikki's kiss before smiling. "I can't decide. I want to help with the dishes, but you fit so nicely right here that I could just stand here all night." 

Giving her a little squeeze, he finally lets her go, moving to the side and grabbing a towel. "Your mom's asleep on the couch," he informs. "She seemed pretty zonked from the day." 

He pauses and wipes a plate thoughtfully. "What did the doctor say at her appointment the other day?" 

Sitting on her couch with a good book, Ariel is a little surprised to hear Trey's voice. "Hey there..." 

Hearing his offer, she quirks an eyebrow. Dinner? He'd even pick her up? That seemed pretty nice of him. Did she want to?" 

"Umm..." She glances to the wall to squint at the calendar. It was clear. She worked during the day but the evening didn't have anything going on unless she went to the stable. Did she really want to go hang out with Trey? The last time they'd met had been kind of nice and at the very least, she knew he needed some good friends right now. She also wondered if he'd decided yet on whether he was going to stay in Nevada or go back to Mexico. Maybe that's what he wanted to talk to her about. 

"Okay. Tell me what time and I'll be ready."

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