
Having you around

Finished in the kitchen Katie swings the bag over her shoulder and heads outside again joining Jeff once more. Attaching the bag to the horse Katie gives it a soft pat on its hind end before turning to Jeff again. Catching sight of the bandage on his hand than the blood on his pants Katie's heart races for a second not know what went on

   "Dad what happened?  Are you ok, do you need to go see Angel?"

Katie had the look of worry on her face. If Jeff needed to go see Angel she had no problem with that. Riding could wait as long as he was ok. He always came first to her because she never wanted anything bad to happen to him.

   "Riding can wait for a little while longer I don't mind."

   "Oh boy someone more stubborn than me....we are in for trouble now."

Misty gives a laugh as she heads outside with Jason. Getting into the truck the talk is light or non at all till the get to the restront. For it being a slower night it dosnt take long for them to get there food. Misty's mouth almost watered as she looked down at her sub. It was not the normal that she would get but it did look good. She could only guess this was some of the cravings she had heard about when one was going to have a baby.

Finally biting into the sub She can't help the smile that spread across her face. It tasted soooo good she couldn't even describe it. Silence rains for a while as she continues to eat till finally she decides to come up for air.

   "So, I am kind of being impatient. I want to know the gender of the baby now so I can start making his or her room up."

Giving a little laugh Nikki's eyes twinkled before giving a thoughtful nod about her mom. She had looked pretty tired at dinner time and she would of guess that soon after she would of been sound asleep in her chair.

   "I figured it wouldn't take her long to be out. She seemed to eat a little more today though. I think it was because you were here. She likes having you around."

Thinking for a second about her mom dr appointment the other day Nikki's face changed slightly. Though she tired to still hold a smile there was a small bit of sadness in her eyes too. Her mom had lived a good long life so Nikkie new she shouldn't be sad but it was hard not to be. The only comfort she had was that when her mom did pass she new she would see her again.

   "The dr said mom was doing the best she could be, but the cancer was moving quickly though mom's body. The cemo hasn't been doing much good and the dr fears if we continue it, it will do more harm than good. It's only a matter of time now till her body finally gives out."

Nikki draws in a breath and than slowly lets it out. She trusted God, and new her mom did too but it still hurt.

   "Mostly all she does now is sleep and its becoming hard for her to move around the house. I...I exspect as much as I don't want it...God will be calling her home soon."

Pacing his room at TJY Trey things for a second. She had said yes, and he hardly ever did anything that was planned so anyday was really clear to him.

   "How about next Tuesday at four and you can pick the place."

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