
Don't listen

Looking Jeff over Angel just listens to him at the same time. She could tell there was more to what he was saying and things might have been a little worse than what he was leading onto but she wouldn't push the issue to much. He was here now and she was looking him over so that was good. 

   "What is it with you guys humm? I tell you to take it easy and you don't listen to me."

Angel shakes her head her eyes twinkling to show she was not upset but she did mean what she said. If they would slow down a little bit and just relax things would be better but one thing she had learned if anything was the guys at this ranch where thick headed, but she loved them all anyways.

   "Well I don't normally like putting people on medicine when I know they  can control it on there own but maybe in this case if I give you a low dose it might be a good thing. You're going to still have to try and take it easy though...and I mean it Jeff? If you don't its going to be the death of you."

 Going over to her cabnit and looking through the bottles Angel finally finds the one she is looking for. Separating it into another bottle she goes to the computer and prints out a label before putting it on the bottle as well and talking back over to Jeff.

   "Here you go. Take one a day with some thing to eat. Come and see me again in a few weeks and we will see how your feeling ok?"

Holding a finger up to Jason to wait one second Misty continues to write a formula down she had been thinking about. Getting to the end she finally looks up and gives a small smile. Most everyone was gone now though Misty still felt like someone was there it seemed her guess of it being Jason was right.

   "Getting something for dinner sounds nice. It will get me to stop working too. If Reese finds out I haven't gone home yet...I'll hear it tomorrow."

Closing the folder she had been working on and turning around to put it back in the file cabnit Misty closes and locks it. Turning she stands at the desk for a moment before looking up at Jason again and studying his eyes. Did he really not want to go home or did he know she didn't want to go home either. Maybe it was a little bit of both, and through this time they could support each other.

   "I guess we both have something else in common too now. We don't want to face home alone."


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