

Beth's smile just continued to grow. Since she had first met Justin and opened up to this very moment he made her feel good and gave her the confadance to move forward and enjoy life. Beth new the road ahead was still going to be rocky but she was ready to face it head on, with Justin at her side.

   "There is never a wrong time to have caffeine, It's just good I don't work tomorrow. I'll have a medium extra light no sugar."

Giving a smile and a little squeeze to Justin's hand. Excitement and fear it was a strange combination and Beth couldn't help but wonder if it was normal to feel like this. Her first boyfriend...that thought alone made her smile bigger than she had in a very very long time.

Pulling into the driveway Misty takes note to the living room light that was still on. That was a good sign to her anyways that Alec had stayed. She wasn't quite sure if he would or not knowing that being on his own was all he really was use to. But Misty had hoped.

Opening the passenger door Misty grabs the two large pizza she had picked up from the pizza box along with her bag. She was sure Alec was going to be hungry and right now the house had a little food in in. Shopping was a must that better come soon.

   "Alec, I'm home I got some dinner too."

Going right to the kitchen Misty sets everything down before glancing outside. Seeing the yard a smile spreads across her face even more. She had expected Alec to clean up the yard but she had to admit this was a bit of a surprise as to how well he had done it. Bushes clipped, grass cut Misty was pleased and happy she could offer something to Alec to keep him busy.

Turning from the window and not hearing or seeing Alec Misty wonders if maybe he wasn't here. Wondering into the living room she peeks over the back of the couch. Seeing Alec laying there fast a sleep a smile spreads across her face. He must have worked hard to have passed out and be dead to the world.

Coming around to the other side of the couch Misty bends down and gives Alec's arm a little shake. Not to hard but enough to wake him a little. Misty only hopes it doesn't startle him.

   "Alec, you want to eat some dinner? I brought home pizza, chicken wings and soda."

Listing to everything Jeff has to say Angel gives a nod. She didn't understand why or what he was talking about but she did try. Him still being pig headed was frustrating but Angel did her best to not to let it show.

   "Thats find Jeff, I forgive you we can move on but what I said before still stands. You don't want my help than I wont give it anymore."

Angel's voice was calm and her frustration didn't show through. She did want her and Jeff to be ok and they would be. But she wasn't going to change her mind if he wasn't going to change his. There still was no point in helping him if he wasn't going to help himself.

   "I know you don't understand where I am coming from either Jeff but I can't keep trying to help you when you wont help you. So it still stands like I said before Jeff. But as for us we are fine."

Brushing her horse and humming to herself Katie blocks pretty much everything else. Her chores for the day had been completed and now she was just trying to relax. Giving her horse a bath it's coat smelled like cinnamon apples now, and her main was coming along nicely as it was losing the knots and gaining softness.

Hearing a voice and looking up to see Hunter Katie wore a look of surprise that soon passed into a look of excitement and being extremely happy. It was good to see her friend and even better to have such a surprise.


Katie moves around her horse to Hunter and throws her arms around him in a big hug. She really was excited to see him and she hoped he was going to stay for at least a little while. It would be fun to show him around and maybe even work along side him.

Pulling away Katie smile brightened her face as she took a few steps back. He sure was a sight for sore eyes. It was hard to find words to describe how she was feeling but this emotion...it was...nice. He'd come to see her to spend time with her and it just felt good.

   "Well I am happy the bodyguards didn't run you off. It would not have been a good day if they had thats for sure."

Tired of not getting the attachen like she had been the horse behind Katie gives a stamp and a snort into Katie's hair.

Turning to the horse Katie just looks at it for a long moment before shaking her head at the horse. She'd always been an attachen hog why would Katie think it was any different now.

   "Oh you big bruit..Hunter this is Amber, Amber this is Hunter. Now will you stop being a pain."

Looking back to Hunter and shaking her head Katie smiles still so happy to see Hunter. At the same time though she wondered what had pushed him to this point to come. When she talked to him last he wasn't so sure. He looks ok so that was a good thing, now it was just figuring out the rest.

   "Here, I am going to put Amber back into her stall and than we can talk a walk a little if you want."

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