

Justin laughs and shakes his head. "Don't be sorry. Although... I have to admit..." His face grows warm as his gaze turns sheepish. "When you said you needed to see me, I was so sure you were gonna tell me that you'd decided to date Zach." 

Giving Beth's hands a squeeze, he grins. "It's not often somebody can get me by surprise like this.... you must be pretty special." And he meant it, too. Beth was special. She'd been special from day one, and it hadn't changed. The only thing different now was the opportunity for Justin to show the affection he'd wanted to, and the opportunity to get to know Beth on a deeper level. 

"Can I interest you in a cup of coffee? Or would you rather avoid caffeine at this hour?" 

After being driven to his apartment, picking up his clothes and his few small belongings, then being dropped back off at Misty's, Alec was left on his own. He was still somewhat surprised she was leaving him to his own devices. But if she trusted him that much, he'd live up to it... or at least try.

It took him the rest of the day to rake the backyard, cleaning up leaves, sticks and stray garbage. It was obvious that neither Carson nor Misty had used the yard much, including the big shed out back either, that was in need of care. Finding the lawn mower in the garage, Alec took care of the grass once it was clear enough, then raked again, filling several bags to be taken to the dump later. By the time he was finished, the yard had transformed from a messy jungle to a neatly trimmed blanket of green. He'd even found an old pair of hedge clippers in the shed, sharpened them and trimmed the bushes around the back of the house.

By six o'clock, Alec's jeans and t-shirt were dirty and grass-stained. The work from the day had exhausted all the energy he had while still battling his cold. He'd taken several more doses of cough medicine to get him through the day, and now after the work was done, his body was done too. Showering and changing clothes, his stomach rumbles in hunger, but he was too tired to care.

Lying on the couch, he curls up, letting his head sink into his pillow. The last thing he remembered was looking at the clock and wondering what time Misty would be home. And after that, he was asleep.

Nodding, Jeff moves to the empty chair and sits down, glad Angel would take the time for him, and mulling over what he wanted to say. "I just wanted to apologize." He looks down for a moment, genuinely feeling badly. He hadn't liked not talking to Angel and feeling as though they were at odds. 

"It wasn't you I was mad at... just my situation." He shrugs and glances up at her again. "Just feeling helpless I guess. But... I really don't want all the attention. I know you don't understand. I know you want to help me but... I can't just quit doing things around here. I can't sit around all day and watch everybody else work. I can't..." 

He pauses, sighing as he tries to maintain control over his emotions - which was harder than he thought. "I can't keep feeling worthless like this. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just.... I guess I just wanted to make sure we could move past this and still be okay."

Hearing the rumble of a motorcycle, Clint pokes his head out of the garage door with curiosity. "Whoa."

Jim had been helping on an engine and wanders up behind him. "What?"

"I've never been much for crotch rockets, but that is one sweet ride."

Jim follows his gaze and quirks an eyebrow. "Not bad. You know who that is?"

"Nu-uh. You?"


"Hmm." Clint smirks. "Well that engine sounds too good for him to be here to see me."

Jim chuckles. "Quit drooling and get back to work."

"Yeah, yeah." Clint grins and turns back to the task at hand.

Pulling up near what looked to be one of the main buildings, Hunter parks his motorcycle and cuts the engine. Removing his helmet, he squints in the light and remains seated for a few moments as he gets his bearings. He saw a few people roaming around the barns and what appeared as bunkhouses, but he really had no idea where to go from here. He knew he should have told Katie he was coming, but... he'd preferred the idea of a surprise. Especially when he hadn't been sure he wouldn't chicken out halfway here.

It had taken him a couple days to finally decide to set out for Texas. But after staring down the neck of yet another empty beer bottle at Micky's and replaying the phone conversation with Katie over and over in his mind, he'd come to the conclusion that getting out of his comfort zone and coming to a strange place was better than continuing to sit and wallow. He had nobody to turn to at home. No one to talk to... really talk to. His sounding board was here.

Finally dismounting and leaving his helmet and backpack with his bike, he starts walking in a logical direction towards the barns. Only partway there does he find it too warm for his leather jacket, shedding it and slinging it over his shoulder.

"Holy cow."

"Last I looked, we had horses here, not cows."

Rosalyn turns from the window to smirk at her mother as they cleaned the living room of the main building. "If you saw what I see, you'd be talking about holy cows too."

Becky fluffs up a throw pillow on the couch and lifts her eyebrows. "Well what is it?"

Rosalyn turns back to the window, holding aside the curtain. "'It' looks to be about six feet tall with sandy sun-bleached hair and tanned skin. 'It' has a physique to die for, emphasized by a white t-shirt tucked into a pair of just-tight-enough  bluejeans."

Becky's eyebrows rise even higher.

"It's carrying a black leather jacket," Rosalyn continues, "and is wearing some cool boots to match that motorcycle 'it' rode in on."

By now, Becky was looking over Rosalyn's shoulder. "Holy cow."

Rosalyn giggles. "Told ya."

"We expecting any visitors?"

"Not that I know of."

"Hmm. Well let 'it' be and get back here to help me move this coffee table back where it belongs."

Seeing a stranger approaching, Mick ceases his work on cleaning Remington who was tethered by the barn. Taking off his gloves, he extends his hand. "Hi, can I help you?"

Hunter accepts the handshake firmly and nods. "Hi, um, yeah... I'm looking for Katie."

"I see." Mick lifts an eyebrow. This looked like one cool cat - he wasn't going to just let him walk in here without knowing more. "And you are...?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Hunter... Hunter Maxwell. Friend of Katie's from Nevada."

Mick thought he remembered hearing that name. Was this not the young man Katie had befriended when Jason had let her down? Interesting. "Ahh. I think I've heard of you."

Hunter grins, although he wasn't sure all what Katie might have said. "I... hope it's been good."

Seeing the man's awkwardness, it's Mick's turn to grin. "Yeah... I don't remember hearing anything too bad." The worst thing he'd heard from Jeff was that Hunter was a drinker. Otherwise, all he knew was that Hunter liked desert racing, he was somehow a friend of a friend of Jason's, and he'd been nice to Katie when she'd most needed it - and that was worth something to Mick.

"Well that's good." Hunter chuckles, though shifts his weight a bit nervously. Who was this guy and why was he staring at him so intently?

Mick purposely lets him squirm for a few more moments just for the fun of it. "So what brings you all the way out here?"

"Uh..." Hunter blinks. "To... see Katie?" Did he need more than that? "She invited me... a couple times."

"I see." Mick nods. "Well, an invitation from Katie is good enough for me."

Hunter waits to be pointed in some direction but once again is left in a silence that grows more awkward for him by the second, especially with this man still staring at him.

Mick hides his humor. He didn't usually pick on people right off the bat, but for some reason, this one was fun. Finally though, he nods over his shoulder. "Last I looked, Katie was in the barn."

"Thanks. May I?"

"Yeah, sure." Mick gestures to the open door. "Feel free. If you don't see her in there, she's probably close by."

"Got it." About leave, Hunter stops and looks back again to find the guy still watching... and he felt the challenge. Gaining a new grin, he cocks his head, leaving behind his hesitance. "And you are...?"

Mick can't help letting a smile loose. The kid had nerve. "I'm Mick. Katie's-"

"Katie's uncle." Hunter nods. "I should've known. Although it sounds like most of this family would give any guy the fifth degree before letting him see her."

Mick chuckles and nods. "You're just about right. We try not to be too scary though."

Hunter laughs. "I'll do my best not to cross any of you."

Mick points a finger at him. "That... would probably be a good idea."

Although Hunter sensed humor, he also sensed a very real seriousness that made him smile even more. No wonder Katie liked it here - even her uncle was as protective as a father. "You don't have anything to worry about."

For some reason... Mick believed him. "Good. But you better get in the barn and find Katie before she takes off riding."

"Right. Nice to meet you, Mick." Finally entering the barn, Hunter is hit with an even stronger smell of hay and horses. It had been a long time since he'd been in a horse barn. Ambling forward, he's greeted by a few curious horses sticking their heads over stall doors. Grinning, he gives a black mare a gentle rubbing on her cheek. "Hello to you too." Being sniffed and nudged with her nose, he chuckles. "Sorry... I didn't bring any treats with me."

Moving on, it only takes a minute or two to spot Katie down the other aisle grooming a horse. Smiling, Hunter approaches slowly from behind and stops just to watch her for a moment. She looked so at ease around the big animal - as if this were where she belonged.

"You didn't tell me you had bodyguards I'd have to get through to see you."

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