

Sipping her hot coffee Beth leans back in her chair a little bit. Smile at Justin she takes everything in and thinks about his question for a moment. What would she like to do...she had the whole day free and if Justin's didn't have to work maybe they could fill the whole day with something.

   "How about a trip to the Zoo, and than a picnic lunch and after that we can do something you like."

Beth wasn't even sure if Justin liked going to the zoo or not but she'd only been once before and she could hardly remember it. So going again might be a blast and who knows maybe Justin would find it too.

   "That is...if you like the Zoo."

As Alec grabs her wrist Misty gives a little jump but as soon as he lets go and says he is sorry Misty understood what had went through his head without him even saying anything. No matter how much time someone spent away bad memories still could find there way back and she did understand. She'd went through it with Carson and even herself once and a while.

   "It's all right Alec, I understand. A pillow it is...or maybe I can get a really long stick to poke you with."

Giving a little laugh and standing Misty gives a smile giving Alec a little space to wake up from the sleep he'd been in. His comment about the pizza made her laugh as she noded.

   "Yep, I got pizza, barbecue chicken wings and a few flavors of pop. In the spare bedroom I have a card table and a few chars I was thinking since you cleaned up the yard so nice maybe we could sit out there and eat tonight. It sure is a nice night out for it and there is a flood light in the back so we wont be eating in the dark."

Moving into the kitchen Misty moves around but still talks to Alec. She'd better tell him about Jason coming over so he wasn't to surprised. Though she new he might be a little nervous about it he had nothing to fear. Jason was harmless and he might not like the idea of Alec staying with her but she new he respected her wishes.

   "Oh, Jason is going to be joining us for dinner too. I hope you don't mind. You don't have to worry about him though He's harmless and a good guy once he gets to know you."

   "Have a good afternoon Jeff."

Angel was sorry things had gone the way they did but she had to do what she had to do and she new Jeff would be happy with this more than anything else. If he needed her, if he wanted to come to her he new where she was and she would not deny to help him. Angel had only wished it hadn't come down to this.

    "Nah, I was just cleaning Amber and than I had to brush all the water out of her coat and get the tangles out of her main and tale. I'm pretty much done now though so you have great timing."

Untieing the horses lead rope Katie turns the horse around and walks her down one of the isles making sure Hunter was still close. Getting to the empty stall she doesn't even have to lead the horse in she already knows it was time.

  "Now, if anyone puts you outside how about not rolling in a mud puddle ok?"

Giving the horse a little pat on the hind end Katie shakes her head and closes the stall door latching it. Turning and looking at Hunter Katie cocks her head a little smile and smiles again before leading the way out of the barn. 

   "Alright now what to show you first....mmm...how about one of the bunks where you will be staying so you can put your stuff down. You never have fear of anything being taken here but its still better not to tempt fate."

Taking the next hour or so Katie shows Hunter around the ranch pointing out where the important things where. People's houses, her bunk, Angel's office, the mess hall, till she had pointed almost everything out. Giving him a quick run down on how everything works, and the chores that were done in the morning, afternoon and night. She new it was probley a lot to take in but she wouldn't mind going over it with him again if she had too.

Finally ending the walk by one of the fences Katie leans on it looking out across the field. This had already turned out to be a good day and Katie was happy. Now it was time to see how Hunter was doing. She worried about her friend but on the same hand he had come so that meant good things and maybe he could get his feet under him again too.

   "So enough about me and the ranch. How are you? Everything going ok?"

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