

Victoria gives a smile to Garret as she runs her hand down the side of his face. She new why Garret has stepped infront of the gun he didn't have to tell her. It was not for anyone but her that he did it. And she was honored to know he would do whatever it took to save her from anything.

   "Maybe you'd make a good body guard after all for me."

Taking Garret's hand and giving it another kiss Victoria new she time had come to an end. The rest if the house would be waking soon and she could not be caught here. Though she wanted to stay she just couldn't.

Standing and taking the cloth from Garrets for head Victoria puts it back from where he got it and returns to his side. Leaning down and giving him a kiss she whispers softly.

   "Get some rest and I'll be back when I can."

...It was house later after the house had come alive, servants where coming back and forth cleaning, cooking, taking care of minor things. Agency where everywhere and Victoria could only guess it was due to what happened last night.

Entering her grandfather's office Victoria gives a small smile as she walks over to him. Giving him a kiss on one side and a kiss on the other. It was her formal greeting she had always been instructed to do when seeing him no matter who was or wasn't around.

   "Any luck yet on finding out who was responsible for last night? I want to know who is at fault for not checking the guests good enough for guns."

Victoria looks at her grandfather from across the table. Her eyes lacked much emotions and a look that she was rather annoyed. She really didn't understand how this had happened. They were always so careful when holding something like this...but this time it had backfired.

   "I keep wondering if the shooter had been after me or Harkens. I don't know why but its just...bothering me."

As Justin goes jumping into the water after his pole Beth's eyes widen. She new he loved fishing but she had no idea that he was that into his stuff that he would jump into the water after it. Seeing him pop out of the water she can't help but give a laugh and shake her head at him.

   "Really? You might have got your pole but I don't think your going to get anymore fish for the rest of the day."

Shaking her head again Beth leans back on her arms and just watches him with amusement. It really was funny watching him struggle in the water pole and all. Why she didn't know it just was a funny sight to watch. 

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