
Sooner or Later

Sitting on the edge of the bed Victoria continuing to hold Garrets hand. She could tell he was in pain and rightfully so. He had just been shot after all. She'd hoped the medics had done what they could and they would continue to do so.

Listing to him talk it was odd to hear him say the things he was. They had talked about it before but never in the open like this. Only in the privacy of there own space where they new they were alone. In a way it made Victoria worry because she didn't know if he would continue like this once she was gone or not.

    "Shhhh...I know Garret, I know. You can't talk like that now though or you will lose your head."

Leaning forward a little bit Victoria feels Garret's forehead. It was warm like she would have guessed from the sweat. Giving his hand another kiss she lets go for a second and goes over to the basin that was by the window. Feeling the cool water she grabs a washcloth and dips it in before wringing the water out of it and coming back over to the bed to place it on his head.

   "Here you go this will help cool you off a little bit. Let me get you something to drink."

This time leaving his side and going to the bathroom she grabs on of the cups and turns the sink on to fill it up before going back to his bedside and holding the cup for him so he could take a drink. She'd make sure he was taken care of even if she had to come in, in secret every night she would be there for him.

Seeing Hunter's first message it throws Katie off a little bit. Dump Jason? That...she didn't know if she could or would ever do that. Jason might have been a jerk but that didn't call for a dumping right? They were just going through some rough stuff at the moment. 

LoL...I'll keep waiting for the sunrise it has to come sooner or later.

Putting her phone down and leaning back on the couch Katie lets out a sigh. She didn't drink but at the moment she wouldn't mind going out and just sitting at the bar with a water. She'd made a promise to Jason though to wait at home. Now she had to be held to it. It wasn't fair sometimes.

Giving a small smile to Justin Beth nods a little. She hadn't planed for this to happen and it made her heart race. She had to make sure, and because Justin understood she new maybe it wasn't a bad thing. But to be sure it would make this how thing seem more real and would leave the wonder out.

   "I wont let you hanging for long...I promise."

Giving another smile Beth looks back to the water for a moment as the water glistened. It was strange this one thing it felt like a weight had been lifted. She could breath again and things were becoming more clear, and falling into place.

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