
Dangerous Meeting

As her grandfather places his hand on her shoulder Victoria turns a little to look at him. Her face still held almost no expression but anger was on her face. She agreed with her grandfather that someone should pay for this. That anyone would let this pass over there eyes, and someone she cared for, loved was now laying in a pool of his own blood and there was nothing she could do about it.

   "They better, that could of been you or I that got shot. I guess its a good thing you have Garret around to protect us. Lets hope he pulls through to continue doing so."

Tuning Victoria walks away leaving the medic to look after Garret. She couldn't stand there any long and just watch him bleed out without having a reaction. She could do that with anyone but someone she loved, someone she had gotten to know of the last several years she just couldn't do it. Garret was different he was her weak spot.

...Moving quietly through the halls Victoria didn't need light. She new these rooms and halls like the back of her hand. Her bear feet softly padded on the floor as her night gown long and flowing, her gold threaded bathroom laying over top kept the light materiel from making any noises that might alert anyone.

Victoria had hardly slept as she waited for the medics to leave the room Garret was in, and everyone else to turn in for the night. Stepping through the shadows she moved around the guards undetected. One might thing this dangerous task was foolish and to much work but she had to know Garret was ok and thank him if even for a moment.

Getting to the door Victoria looks left, and than right making sure no one had seen her. Giving a soft knock she opens the door and quickly closes it behind her before anyone saw. She didn't know if Garret was awake or not yet so softly she calls.


She new he would know it was her. Her voice was unmistakeable able and he had a nack of even if she didn't say anything he new it was her. So drawing closer to the bed Victoria's heart beats faster. Seeing Garret laying there she could make out the bandages on his side.

   "Oh Garret...I am honored you stepped infront of that gun, but why did you have to so something so silly. Thank you my love!"

Taking Garret's hand in her own Victoria brings it up to her lips and gives it a kiss. She wouldn't have much time here, and it was dangerous to be in this room like this with him but she had to come, she had to make sure he was ok. She couldn't forgetting him all together and what he had done.

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