
Bad Person

Seriously? Hunter can't help his surprise as he reads Katie's reply. For being Elite, she sure wasn't cautious. He could take her anywhere he wanted once she was on his bike, and there were places she wouldn't stand a chance. He wouldn't pull any stunts like that, of course, but how did she know? He could be driving drunk right now for all she knew. Did she trust him that much after just one dinner? Was she that perceptive that she'd seen through his fake reputation? Or was she really the type to just throw caution to the wind?

Regardless of Katie's reasoning to accept his offer, he was kinda glad she had. It was better than continuing the evening alone with thoughts he didn't want to deal with.

Checking the address once more, he pockets his phone. It would take him at least ten minutes just to go home, get his extra helmet then be at her place. Of course... he could cut off a minute or two if he wanted...

...Pulling up to the curb in front of the house, Hunter sees several vehicles and puts two and two together that there was more than one person living here. It didn't stop him, though, from revving his engine loudly to announce his arrival.

Hitting the kickstand, he cuts the motor and flips up his helmet visor before dismounting. Unhooking the extra helmet from the back, he waits for Katie.

Looking down at Ashlee, Eric returns the smile. Seeing how happy she was, he was glad he'd decided to teach her how to ride. He'd thought by now she would have accepted the offer from someone else... but knowing she hadn't made him feel... well... it made him feel special. 

"You're very welcome. I'm glad you're having fun." There was a whole lot more he could say right now but he would wait. Today was a special day. Ashlee's birthday. Her first day in the saddle. He'd let her enjoy this to the fullest and would hold his speeches about learning to ride for the next time.

He steers both horses around the corner of the paddock, allowing them to walk a little faster. After a couple more rounds, he watches Moonbeam carefully, noting that the mare had fallen into step next to Static, following the gelding's lead as she was supposed to. Leaning out of his saddle, Eric reaches over and unclips the lead line, then gives Ashlee full rein. 

"You just keep those reins loose and don't worry about steering," he directs. His voice remained steady and gentle. "Moonbeam knows the route." Allowing just a little more distance between the horses, his eyes remain on the mare and Ashlee while his hands keep Static under control as well. It had been a long time since he'd done this, but without even realizing it, he'd fallen back into the role without so much as blinking. 

Moonbeam heaves a weary sigh as she walks, and Eric chuckles. "She's so relaxed, I think she might fall asleep," he teases. 

Jared laughs outright and shakes his head at Grace. "It's a deal. One thing a guy learns fast around here is that flirting with the old stuffy nurses never seems to bring about the desired effect." 

Grace's encouragement about his memory brings a softer smile, but he shakes his head, leaning back into his pillow. "My mom's tried. I've seen pictures but nothing rings a bell. All I know really is that Mom's Greek... she lives by herself... I guess my dad died when I was a kid... she likes to cook and go to church..." There really wasn't much he knew at all, even after Lydia's frequent visits. It was always just small talk. Which Jared appreciated, but it never gave him much more information to go on.

"...And I've got a brother who hates me but he won't tell me why." His eyes regain a dull look. "I did something to him... don't know what it was... but it must've been bad. Sometimes I'm afraid to remember who I was... I'm afraid I'll find out I wasn't a nice person or something." 

His eyes glance to Grace as he realizes maybe she hadn't wanted to know all that. But for some reason, he didn't feel all that awkward talking to her about it. He hadn't admitted to anyone what he'd just told her. But...it didn't bother him. It actually felt good to finally say it out loud. 

"And this is Thimble." Zach opens up the little cage and pulls out a fluffy gray cat who immediately starts to purr. He grins and gives her some loving before letting Beth hold her. He'd been showing her around the animal shelter, introducing her to the people and the animals both. He had admitted he wished he could afford to quit his job at the auto dealer and just volunteer here all the time, but that wasn't possible or realistic. He did love it here though. And he was having a ball showing Beth around. She was a breath of fresh air after being with his coworkers all week, and lunch had been fun too. He didn't know about after this, but maybe they could hang out a while longer this afternoon too.

"She's been here a little while now," Zach explains about the cat. His smile fades just a little. "Her time is getting too close for comfort so I've been trying to find her a home."

"You seem... distracted. Is everything all right?"

Justin glances up at his mom across the peninsula in the kitchen. He shifts a little on the barstool and steals a slice of green pepper to chew on. "Yeah, I suppose." He had a lot on his mind today, for sure, especially after his session with Mackenzie and his brief visit with Jared, along with an impromptu stop-in to see Scott and check on his progress. But none of those were bothering him at the moment.

Lydia eyes him with suspicion and wipes her hands on her apron. Leaning on the counter, she studies her son. "Why don't you talk about it? Maybe it will help."

"Talk about what?"

"Whatever it is that is troubling you."

Justin quirks a little grin. "Is it really that obvious?"

Lydia chuckles. "Not for anybody but your mother."

Justin sighs and shakes his head. "Oh, it's nothing. Just... I don't know..." He did too know. He'd spent the day today working instead of fishing like he'd planned. He'd just... lost the mood. "Beth met this guy and I'm not so sure I like him."

Lydia lifts an eyebrow and turns to stir the pot on the stove. "Is she dating this... this guy?"

"I don't know. Maybe. She's been out with him a couple times I guess."

"And... you do not like this?"

"Why would I not like it? Beth and I are just friends."

Lydia glances over her shoulder. "And you are happy with this?"

"Well sure. Of course. Why not?" Justin steals another vegetable.

Lydia finishes stirring and returns to the counter. Chopping some mushrooms, she is quiet for several minutes. "Do you remember the story of the two little birds?"


"Maybe I only told it to Jared when he was young."

Justin shrugs. "I guess I don't remember that one. Why?"

"There were two little birds," Lydia explains. "The first one broke his wing and he could not fly. He stayed near his nest high in the tree where he was safe and happy. Soon he met another little bird. She had a broken wing too. They became good friends and the first little bird helped her regain strength in her wing."

Lydia continues cooking as she tells the story. "One day the second little bird's wing was all healed. She made new friends and was so happy she could fly that she flew high into the sky. The first little bird was very sad. He was all alone."

After a long pause, Justin looks at his mother expectantly. "And?"

Lydia smiles and adds the vegetables to the pot. "The little bird suddenly realized that while he was taking care of the second little bird, his own wing had healed."

Justin furrows his brow. "So... he flew away too?"

Lydia shrugs. "I do not know. That is where the story ends. Some people say he stayed near his nest because it was safe. Some people say he flew because he wanted to taste true living."

Justin fingers a slice of mushroom before popping it into his mouth. He knew good and well what his mother was saying. It didn't take a genius to figure out the moral of the story.

Lydia pauses her work and smiles again. "There is no right or wrong. It is only what you want..." She pats his chest. "In here."

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