
Ms. Jefferson

Grace nods as she is quiet for a moment. She understood what Jared was saying. Not knowing who he was could be a scary thing, and getting to know it again even worse when you don't know if its good or bad. She would probley react the same way about it all too.

   "Well if you weren't a good person than that doesn't mean you can't be a good person now. It's almost like a start over."

Giving a smile to Jared she tried to help him look on the bright side. She did believe too that with God's help and kindness anyone could be forgiven, and Jared was no acceptation. Maybe this was just his wake up call to get it together.

   "So tomorrow should we give it a go on stimulating your legs or would you like to give it a few days?"

Holding the cat close Beth can't help but smile at the little purrs that came from the fuzz ball. She was so cute, and so lovey Beth really enjoyed holding her. This how day had been really good so far, and now this was just wonderful too.

   "She is so cute and fuzzy I don't understand how anyone would not want to adopt her."

Pulling the kitty away a little bet Beth looks down into her blue eyes. It broke her heart to think that no one would want this cat and they would have to let her go soon. The can't hadn't done anything wrong so why should it be the one to have its life end.

   "Well...if no one ends up wanting her...I'd take her. She's cute and I could use some company around the apartment. It's to quiet there sometimes."

Doing as Eric said as he lets her take hold herself Ashlee couldn't help the smile that spread even bigger across her face. His instructions were easy to follow and there was no harsh tone in his voice so it was nice to listen to what he had to say.

   "Wow, I'm really doing it...I'm riding a horse."

Gently patting Moonbeams neck  Ashlee quickly returns both hands to the rains as the horse lifted its let a little bit to get an ich. Giving a laugh she couldn't help how silly she must look but she really didn't care either. This was way to much fun.

   "I'll really be a cowgirl now!"

Hearing the bike rev outside Katie new it must be Hunter. Stopping in the living room she gives a little wave to Ryder and Thirteen as she puts her denim jacket on. Her hair was nicely put back in a poney tail and her holds jeans with the small hole in the knee was her atire.

   "I'm going to be going out for a little bit. I got my keys so you can lock the door if you go to bed and I am not home. Have a good night guys."

Slipping her phone into her back pocket before turning from the living room and heading outside closing the door behind her. Making her way down the sidewalk and getting to Hunter Katie puts her hands in her pockets and gives him a small smile.

   "At this rate your going to wake the whole neighborhood and have noise Ms. Jefferson knocking on my door tomorrow asking a million and one questions. Though I wouldn't have any problem to tell her to mine her own bees wax."

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