
5 or 10

Sitting up a little straighter now Katie new Hunter would be replying. Not wanting to run the risk of falling asleep she new laying down was a bad option. Hearing the phone beep once again Katie hits the button on her phone to make it light up and than sits back for a second.

Did she want to drive herself or ride with Hunter on his bike? She'd only ever been on Jason's bike before but riding with Hunter it might be fun, and he seemed to be pretty trustworthy after there later encounter. So maybe it would be fun?

   Alright, I got a jacket from the times I rode with Jason. Come pick me up in about 5 or 10 minutes so I can get read. See ya soon.

Adding her address into the text Katie sets the phone down and heads to the bathroom to clean up a little bit before Hunter got there. She new nothing had to be perfect but she wanted to at least look half way presentable.

Ashlee does her best to try and relax a little bit every once in a while shifting a little to tightening her hands about the little bit of rains she had. She was ok it was just something she had to get use too. But aside from her nerves she sure was having fun.

   "Thank you so much Eric...I haven't even hardly done anything yet and I am having a blast."

Turning a little Ashlee flashes Eric a big smile. A twinkle in her eyes almost like she was a little kid again. She was reliving her childhood, one that had been missing something very important...a father. Though Eric wasn't blood she still looked up to him and it was the closest thing she had...and she enjoyed his company so much.

Seeing the look in Jared's eyes Grace could see the will he had to walk again. That alone was a good start and she new it would make things just a little bit easier. It always was when someone worked with her instead if against her.

   "Than we should get along just fine. I'll even let you continue to flirt with me as long as you keep in decent."

Throwing Jared a wink before he mentions about his memorie Grace sits back in the chair a little bit closing the folder she had. She couldn't imagine how it must feel to have lost ones memorie and forever everything that happened to you. Not even being able to remember your own name for family. Grace felt bad for him.

   "You can't remember anything?  Not even the littlest of details? The smallest things can help you remeber. Maybe your mom can bring in some pictures!"

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