
Willing to Help

Looking up and seeing Colt Trey can feel himself stiffen a little and his cheeks become slightly red but not enough to really have anyone draw notice to them. He remembered who cold was and he remembered how much of an idea he had acted in front of him. In a way Trey wished he had forgotten that night.

Giving a smirk to Colt's comment about not seeing him so long again Trey felt like sinking down in his chair even more. Hearing Ariel's comment that followed Trey gives a little smirk before glancing at Colt again.

"A rut where pizza is involved dosn't seem like to bad a thing. Than again back in Mexico pizza wasn't something you find on every corner so maybe I am just partial because I was deprived."

Picking up his straw and unwrapping it Trey puts it into the glass of soda and just watches it sink as the bubbles cling to the straw trying to keep it afloat but failing. Trey wondered if maybe thats how he felt at the moment. Trying to stay float but slowly was sinking not to sure how to stay fast.

Listing to everything Rick had to say Katie finally gives a little shrug. Maybe sooner or later the emptiness would go away and till than she just feel uncomfortable. What Rick said did make sence to her but she couldn't even see herself getting use to it. Only time would tell but as of right now stood she didn't know.

"Well, at least I know nothings wrong."

Standing and scanning the infirmary again Katie lets out a sigh. She'd dont hardly any work today and should probley get back to it. She'd remind herself later to give her Aunt a call and see how they were all doing.

"Thanks Rick, I should get back to work."

Taking the glass back from Dylan again Stacy just studied him for a moment. She wondered how much he remembered from what happened earlier today. She would guess not much but different people remembered things than other.

"You dad needed to get some sleep so I told him I'd stick around encase you needed anything. He just wanted to make sure you'd be ok."

Twirling the glass against her other palm Stacy shifts a little bit. Even if Dylan did remember what happened this was one of the good reasons she was here was for if Dylan needed something. Leaving out the park about making sure he didn't escape again was just not something that needed to be said as well.

"Come on, let me help you back to bed and I will see about getting you something light to eat since your stomach probable can't handle a lot at the moment."

Leaning down Stacy gets Dylan's arm over her shoulder to try and help him stand. She could do all the work for him but she wanted him to try and stand on his own too. He needed to stay strong and if everyone did everything for him though this it wouldn't work. She was more than willing to help though as long as he was willing to try.

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