

Setting the bowl down on the night stand Stacy gives another smile as Dylan pulls the blanket up around him. Standing she helps tuck him in nice and tight so he would stay warm and it felt like the blankets were extra fluffy.

Hearing Dylan's comment about beating this whole thing Stacy gives another smile. Her eyes held the love of a mother, maybe not Dylan's mother but a mother non the less that was proud of him and all he had done in just this last few short days.

"You sure are Dylan, you sure are."

Running the back of her hand along Dylan's cheek for a moment Stacy finally retreats to let him rest. Picking up the tray with the left over food on it Stacy heads for the door opening it. Before leaving though she turns again.

"Sleep well Dylan!"

Finally leaving she shuts the door behind her and heads to the kitchen to clean up the mess she had made. If Mick was still sleeping that was fine. Rosetta might be home soon anyways not that she was really in any hurry.

Standing in Reese's office Katie walks back and forth before stopping in front of the desk again. The lack of emotions almost made her feel like a caged animel. She wanted to be doing something, feel excitement, feel important she wanted to feel more than she was.

"Nothing? No cases? No little crimes that need to be solved or people to be questioning? Nothing Reese?"

Rick said give it time and she was trying. Feelings were starting to come or so she thought but just not fast enough. Katie was tired of waiting, she was tired of not talking to Jason she felt depressed and each day it just got worse. Why couldn't think be ok again.

"How are you feeling today Mr. Doe?"

Looking up at the dr from his bed his expression was one that was very blank. No emotion in his eyes, no emotion showed on his face. Only the three scars across his eye, nose and mouth from shrapnel bore tell of what happened. A leg that had been crushed by a flying debree of one thing or another, and burn marks on his back that would tell a story not yet revealed. His voice raspy, and very deep from to much inhaled smoke.

"I feel...lost, confused, and....out of place."

The Dr gives a nod as he write a few things down. Mr. Doe had woken up a few days ago in a panic, terror coursing though his vanes and the dr. worse nightmare had been revealed. He remembered nothing.

"Still can't remember anything?"

Closing his eyes for a moment his mind remained blank. He'd had a dream last night, lots of shouting, but the faces were blank, where he was had no color. It was a blur like looking through a shattered mirror or a glass that was dirty.

"I can't even remember my own name let alone anything else. You...You don't know anything about me?"

Shaking his head grimly the Dr wished he did. Not even knowing who this man was he didn't have family to help friends to help. Right now he really did have no identity and it made the Dr said. He wanted to do more, he wanted to be able to give hope but in a case like this it was hard.

"Well continue with the memories skills, and hope that as the swelling in your brain continues to go down you will slowly remember. Just make sure anything you remember you let me know. If we can find out where your from, even something as simple as a state, or a name we can try and contact someone and that will help a great deal. Tomorrow we will start your PT and see if we can start getting that leg to work a little bit as it heals."

As the Dr leaves the room the man leans back in the bed closing his eyes. Who was he? Where was he from? Did he have family? Were they worried? The unknown, being....alone even in his own mind he didn't have himself to keep him company.

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