

Colt is just ready to give a smart remark back to Trey when he catches Ariel's eye. His sister gives him a warning look, which shuts his mouth until he'd rethought what he'd been ready to say. He remembers all that Ariel had told him the other night and wonders now if Trey needed more friendship rather than someone else razzing on him.

A twinkle returns to his eye and he grins. "Well, pizza can be found on just about every corner around here, but this is the best place."

"Wanna join us?" Ariel invites.

Colt shakes his head. "Nah. I gotta date with a movie at home and I gotta be up early tomorrow to get back to the stable."

Pete fiddles with his drink, listening. "Still working there, huh?"

"Yep. Pay's not the best but I still enjoy it."

Ariel chuckles. "The ol' cowboy. Chick magnet."

"Hey!" Colt throws out his arms and looks around. "Do you see anybody following me?"

Pete smirks. "Try some deodorant, boy. Might help."

Colt's eyes narrow, though he grins. "Thanks a lot." He swings his gaze back to Trey. "And you actually like hanging out with these two? You've got guts."

"Okay." Rick stands with Katie. "How about you stop back in here next week sometime? I'd like to give you a basic check up just to make sure everything's still alright and settling down."

At first, Dylan just looks at Stacy, unmoving. Finally though, he accepts her help and gets his feet under him so he can stand, albeit wobbly. Leaning on her as they go back to his room, he finds his head on her shoulder until they get to his bed again.

Easing down and pulling his blankets up again, he shivers. Looking up at Stacy, tears pool in his eyes. He seems to want to say something but stops, dropping his gaze. "I'll try to stay awake for... for something to eat."

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