
Sandy Sensation

The band listens intently to Jackie. Each one knew a little bit about how things would work, but it was still a new experience. And, as Wayne had pointed out, their situation was different from others, so most likely, the process would be a bit different for them as well. This wasn't a huge big-name corporation that could make them stars overnight. But they were reputable, they did have known labels out there and they had the capabilities to make a name go far.

Kyle lets Jackie's words sink in, still hardly able to believe they were actually here. God truly was amazing. From the beginning of this adventure, things had been terribly impossible and even backwards. But how much greater was God shown then?

Erik leans back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Jackie's face. He remained rather expressionless, though was taking in everything and paying close attention. As her eyes meet his, he lets them, not dropping his gaze but just staring into her own eyes as if trying to see if she really was who she said she was.

Wayne nods at Jackie's statement and joins in. "She's right. We may advise you and help you tweak some things, but overall, we like uniqueness. We're not going to try to get you to sound like so-and-so down the block who's sold millions. Now... there are no guarantees here, as I'm sure you're aware. Just because you're here doesn't mean that you'll sell more than ten CDs when we're through. Hopefully, you will. Our goal is to get your music out there so that you make enough money to support yourselves and we make enough money to keep our jobs."

He smiles. "You guys have already been approved, so here on out, it's no more trials - it's just trying to get the best sound the best way we can. We're going to have contracts for you guys to sign to make sure that we're both in this together."

Pausing again, he glances around the faces, taking note of Karla too and what Kyle had said about her. "Jackie and are are going to be more like your agents than anything. We're going to find good spots for you to go and we're going to set up the deals and tell you where the best places for you to show up are at. Now you've said Karla's your manager, so we'll respect that and filter things through her if you like. If she keeps track of your schedule, that's one less thing we have to worry about."

Kyle raises his hand. "So what happens first? I mean... concerts or...?"

Wayne shakes his head. "First thing we want to do with you is produce at least two CDs. That way we can start getting your name out there more places and quicker than pushing you off to a bunch of concerts where only ten people show up because they've never heard of you. With CDs, we can get them into music stores and we'll also be trying to get at least one song on the radio - and I'm not talking your little local station here that plays local bands - I'm talking a bigger station and more than one station. Then come the concerts."

"Where will they be?"

"Local at first but not for long. We'll go statewide, feel out the attendees and see what they like. We'll have you open for other bands until you've established your name, then the roles will be reversed and someone else will open for you."

Kyle grins at the thought. "Sounds almost too big."

Wayne chuckles. "Not as long as your head doesn't get that big too." His eyes roam around the table again. "I'm sure you all know that there are days when this business is not so glamorous. This is going to be hard work on all our parts and there are going to be long hours and probably disagreements happening. You're going to get frustrated and at some point, each of you will consider quitting. There's also a chance that this will be as far as you go - there's a lot of new bands out there now to compete with. But... If you stick with it and are patient and are willing to make sacrifices... then I'm confident we can make this work. Especially seeing how you've been led this far already."

Alec looks down as Ryan takes his hand, and he lets her lock her fingers with his, giving them a squeeze. The cutsie little affection wasn't something he did often... it wasn't something he used to do at all. But with Ryan... he'd grown to like it. Someone cared about him for real, and he cared about her too. It was different than anything else he'd had and deserving of holding hands or whispering sweet nothings, unlike other "relationships" he'd had.

Sitting back, Alec grows quiet, just enjoying the ride to the lake. He liked being on the road - both being the wheel or a passenger. There was just something about watching the scenery go by and feeling the road beneath the wheels. Maybe that's one reason he'd fallen into the Agency trap - they'd had him travel and he'd liked it.

Finally reaching the lake and parking, it's decided that ice cream would come later. So they head for the little beach instead where thankfully, there were only a few people scattered about. Reaching the sand, Alec looks down at it for a moment. Glancing at Ryan, he looks at the sand again where his sneakers had sunk in.

Reaching down, he takes off his socks and shoes and lets his barefeet slide into the warm sand. Moving his toes around a little, his feet were enveloped by the soft feel of the grains as they rolled over his skin.

Just standing there in the sand for several long moments, one might think something was wrong. But as he looks at Ryan, a strange twinkle laid behind his eyes - almost like a little boy discovering some fun new adventure. He'd never walked barefoot in the sand before and the feeling almost wanted to make him laugh.

As Beth joins him, a smile creases Justin's lips. Letting her study him, he doesn't say anything until it's his turn to respond. A chuckle slips out. "I'm feeling alright - a frisbee fits in my backpack so I can hide my clown-ness for a day."

Still grinning, he shakes his head. "No dogs today. If they saw me playing frisbee without them, they'd have a fit. So we're going to try it without them today and see how it goes. But most likely they'll be back tomorrow."

Taking the empty container he'd remembered, he passes it to her. "I'm glad you liked the fish and... I thoroughly enjoyed the pie. Don't tell my mother, but I think yours was probably the best I've ever had."

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