
Pressed for time

Returning the small smile at Justin Beth looks down at her watch for a moment. She was running late, and her time with Sarah was going to be cut short as it was already so she could make to work on time.

"Oh...I'm running late as it is and I probably should have stopped to talk but I couldn't just walk past you and say nothing. Maybe tomorrow....if you bring it again we could throw it around for a little bit."

Beth hopped Justin wouldn't think this time it was to much of an excuse she wouldn't mind playing but she really didn't have much time today. But with no work tomorrow she would have more time and wouldn't have to rush even if she was running late.

Watching Alec it makes Ryan's smile grow even more. It was great to see how he was acting and how much he was enjoying it. It made Ryan thingy inside on its own.

Following behind Alec Ryan stands back for a moment just enjoying watching him. To see a smile on his face that he was enjoying something new was nice. How Ryan wished she had a camera right now but these memories would stay locked in her own mind to remember.

Coming up to the edge of the water were the soft water was rolling in Ryan looks out at the water before looking back at Alec. Hearing his searous tone she gives him a little nudge.

"You don't have to be so serous. Its ok to laugh and have fun. I promise I won't tell anyone and it wont make you a softy."

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