
Play with fire

Stepping into the house her arm wrapped and in a sling for a few weeks Destiny does her best to give a smile to Chance. She wasn't that hungry and everything still seemed so fresh in her mind, not having time to continue the grieving of her parents there just didn't seem like closure there yet. But if she didn't eat something Chance might worry and she didn't want to worry him with anything else right now.

"Yeah, sandwiches sounds good."

Giving a small smile Destiny ambles over to the table and puts her purse down before making her way into the kitchen. Taking down two cups from the cabinet she turns to Chance. She might not be able to do a lot with her arm up like this but she had to do something or she would do mad.

"Would you like some one handed tea?"

Continuing to watch Alec Ryan gives a laugh. Seeing him strip his shirt Ryan's eyes widen a little but than turns into a soft look as he splashes in the water. Letting out her own laugh it just seemed Alec's was contagious but it felt good.

Jumping out of the way as Alec sends a splash her way Ryan throws a playful look at him before dropping her sandles next to his shows and the shirt.

"Your in for it now mister."

Taking a running start Ryan lets the water splash on her legs before she jumps in and goes under water. Staying under Ryan turns around and comes back twords Alec before coming up up behind him and bringing her arms around his neck laying her hands on his chest.

"Mmmm...playing with fire can be dangerous you know, even if your in water."

Giving Alec a big kiss on the cheek Ryan laughs again as the soft waves lap against them both. Her hands gentily running over his chest.

Standing and giving a small smile to Justin again Beth gives a nod. Tomorrow...a new ruteen had been added to her days now and that was seeing Justin. Thought the time was always different it was nice.

"See you tomorrow Justin."

Turning and heading inside Beth turns once to give a little wave and than goes in the building to spend a little time with her sister before heading to work.

Sitting at her desk and staring at an open folder Angelica just continues to look not really reading anything as her mind was far away. In about an hour Reese and herself would be off to the airport to pick up Trey. Though Reese was going to be with her Angelica couldn't help but worry anyways about this whole thing. If this didn't work out, if Trey got into trouble and made thing worse around here she would feel like it was her fault even if Reese told her different. Angelica could only hope she was over reacting and everything would be ok.

On top of dealing with the whole Trey thing Angelica was worried about Charlotte too. She was still in labor and having to head to the airport today what if something happened? The Dr. said Charlotte was ok and sometimes being in labor for a while was normal but still there was that feeling in her stomach that was worry.

Leaning back in her chair Angelica lets out a long sigh just trying to relax. She never use to over react this much but things had changed now. Things were different and the only cold heart she had was not filled with warmth and that thought alone put a smile on her face.

She just needed to relax, everything would be ok. There was nothing to worry about and if something didn't work out than she could deal with it than. Taking another deep breath again Angelica sits up at her desk looking down at her paper work again. She had to get something done before they left.

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