

Bret sits in the chair and leans on the short railing of the hospital bed, looking down into the eyes of his new son. Running a finger down the face so small, his smile can't be wiped away.

He looks at Charlotte, his own eyes glistening. "Yeah... yeah, he is perfect." Glancing down again into Nicholas' eyes, he nods. "You sure are. I could never have asked for more."

Rising up out of the chair for just a moment, Bret leans over and down to kiss Charlotte's forehead. "I'm so proud of you. You did great."

Justin nods to Beth, letting her stand first before he rises too. "You have a good night too, Beth. Drive safe."

Following her outside, he watches her get into her car and just leans on the tailgate of his pickup as she drives away, watching as her taillights disappear down the road. Sighing deeply, Justin glances up to the night sky, looking at the stars as far as he can. Was he doing the right thing? He hoped so.

Finally he gets into his truck and heads home himself where he would be up yet another couple hours...

...Heading down the sidewalk, Justin keeps Danitza and Zora at his heel, his backpack slung over one shoulder. It was the same routine, same location, same purpose. While he sometimes grew weary of this kind of job, knowing what was coming was nice every once in a while. Though there were still a few things he couldn't predict.

Early for Scott, Justin heads for the familiar bench, easing down to sit for a few minutes. It was going to be a hot day, but right now it wasn't too bad and there was a slight breeze that kept it nice enough.

The two dogs obediently lie down beside the bench, waiting further instructions from their master.

Carson wanders down the hall of TJY, needing to ask Misty about a bill needing to be paid. He'd forgotten it at the restaurant the day before and now it couldn't wait, so he'd left "the girls" in charge for a while.

Almost to the infirmary, he spots the one person he didn't want to see.

Alec is coming up from the lower level to get some breakfast and spots Carson at the same time, meeting him near the infirmary door. Lifting one eyebrow, he folds his arms across his chest. "Hey, bro. Long time no see."

Carson's eyes narrow. "Not long enough. I heard they let you walk around loose - I didn't think they were that stupid."

Alec tsks, shaking his head. "Don't call Reese stupid. He might not let you work here anymore."

"Naw, there are days he needs me. You, on the other hand, seem to be a reoccurring parasite."

"Ouch. I'm hurt. Really."

Carson rolls his eyes. "Just stay out of my way."

"Hey I was just on my way for food. Got a problem with that, call it in to the big boss."

Carson opens his mouth to retaliate, then just shakes his head. Turning, he goes into the infirmary.

Alec stands for a moment, staring at the closed door. Why the encounter bothered him, he wasn't sure. But trying to push it aside, he heads for the break room. Grabbing a can of pop, he flops down at the table, and takes out his cell phone.

Morning. Sunburn better but Ill miss the lotion. Races tonight? I could sneak out for a while.

Leo sighs and pushes aside his bowl of cold cereal. He felt better than the day before as most traces of his hangover were over, but his mood hadn't lightened much. He wasn't even all that sure just what it was that was bothering him. Or maybe he just didn't want to think about it.

Glancing up to the calendar on the wall, he notes the day. There were races tonight. Maybe he should just go and hang out for a while... do something different.

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