

Continuing to look down at her coffee Beth take in a breath and let it out again slowly. She new the tears had wanted to come, they were right on the break but she willed them not to. She'd cried so much so long ago that now she didn't want to anymore. So she held the tears off, and tried to keep herself strong.

Hearing Justin talk it seemed to put a little warmth in her. Maybe it was because this time she was willing to listen, or being alone was just not good enough anymore. Looking up at him her eyes meet his as she searches his face.

"Three things, my parents back again and happy, My sister herself again, and....to be happy."

Drawing quiet for a moment and taking a sip of her coffee Beth lets her mind wonder. Her parents would never come back, her sister would never be the same and happiness...what was happiness?

"I know two of those things can never happen and as the last. I don't...know how to be happy anymore its been so long. I don't even know what my hobbies are, or stuff I like to do. It's just been the same thing for me day in and day out. See Sarah, go to work, come home, watch tv repeat. Life before my parents were gone...I can't remember that life anymore and there faces are slowly fading as well."

Letting out a small sigh Beth looks down at her coffee again and takes a sip. She really was pitiful or so she thought now saying this all out loud. She only wished sometime, things would be different.

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