

Turning quickly at Justin's voice it was more reflex than anything as the sharp gesture even if it had been out of fun it made Beth's heart race but catches the apple without ease.

Holding it for a second Beth finally looks up at Justin again hearing his comment. The corners of her mouth twitch again as she shakes her head. Watching him for a second as he walks away Beth finally turns taking a bit of the apple. It was sweet and crunchy, defiantly something she hadn't had in a long time.

Taking a few more bits as she heads inside Beth throws the rest of it out before heading to her sisters room to spend a little more time with her before she had to go again.

Getting Jason's message Katie was soon on alert in case anything happened like Jason had said. She had to be ready in a split second in case anything happened so she could tell those who needed to know.

Ok I got your back J. Be careful ok?!

Katie new she didnt have to tell Jason that, he was always on his A game but it made her fell better to do so anyways when she was on a mission he was not.

Following Jason the rest of the way out Destiny stays close keeping her eyes out for anything abnormal. Coming to the truck she nods to Alec as he opens the door for her and gets in. Slightly laying down in the back so she couldn't easily be seen but she could semi still see out the window.

Soon they were off and it didn't take long to get across town. Jason new where he was going so that helped so Destiny didn't have to try and direct him. Once outside the building Destiny sits up a little more to see better.

"Yeah this is it. My door is the one of the far right there. Once we get inside I'll just have to head upstairs to my room to grab my things. "

Shifting a little in her seat so that Jason new she was ready Destiny turns to him a little.

"So how are we going to do this? You go in first? I go in you follow?"

She just wanted to know the plan now so she was ready and didnt mess anything up. This was no time try and think she could do it on her own.

Across the street in a van two men waited watching, they had been there all more and with no movement at there targets house they started to become bored. One slept while the other kept watch.

Seeing the truck pull up to the house Chaz perks up in his seat a little. This could be what they were waiting for.

Throwing his hand back with out looking he wackes Drew in the chest to get Drew's attachen.

"Yo man, I think we got company. I got a look in at the chick in the truck and she matches the picture. Looks like there are two Elite scum with her too."

Chaz spits a sunflower seed out onto the van floor before reaching for his gun to make sure he was ready to strike when they got the girl alone. They were under strict orders not to kill her...not yet anyways till the boss got the information from her. As for the other two, who cared about them.

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