
The girl and the traitor

Parking the truck, Jason thinks for several moments before answering Destiny. "I'll go first, you follow right behind. Alec, take the rear."

Alec smirks a little and mutters something under his breath about being the rear, but he does as he's told. Getting out of the truck, Jason sweeps the area with his eyes and helps Destiny down. "Stick close," he directs.

Alec slips around behind her and walks backward, his gaze bouncing off the street and buildings. As they reach the door, his eyes stop at the van across the street. It was far enough away that he couldn't make out the occupants, but the hair on the back of his neck stands up. "Yo, Jase... two o'clock. We got eyes on us."

Jason turns to follow his line of sight. "Could be right. Lets get inside." Once inside the apartment, Jason makes a quick search, finding it clear and he nods to Destiny. "It's safe. Go ahead and get your stuff." Moving to the window, he joins Alec, who was keeping an eye on the suspicious van. "What do you think?"

"Mmm..." Alec shakes his head. "Not sure. Figured they woulda come across by now, but they might be hesitating since Destiny wasn't alone."

Getting whacked in chest, Drew's eyes fly open and he sends a glare to Chaz that could kill. He refrains from hitting back though, realizing now why he'd been woken up. His eyes shoot towards the apartment and he zeros in on the threesome. "Whoa, whoa, wait a second..."

Grabbing the binoculars quickly, Drew focuses on the two men's faces. "That tall one is Elite alright, but not that second one." A scheming grin spreads on his face. "Chaz, we got ourselves a double deal here. Not only can we snatch the girl, but that, my friend is the traitor Banks."

He tosses the binoculars to the side and checks his own sidearm. "If we can get them both, we'll be in so good with the boss we won't have to go on these stupid stakeouts anymore. Come on."

Too enthusiastic to be paying close attention to anything, Drew gets out of the van. Glancing around, he makes sure no one's watching and heads across the street, motioning Chaz after him.

Jason turns away from the window to holler down the hallway. "Destiny... don't mean to rush you but... we gotta hurry."

Alec goes to the front door, making sure it was locked, then returns to the window. Glancing around outside, a chill runs down his spine. "Uh, Jase? We got a problem."

"What's that?"

"They're not in the van anymore."

"Aw, great." Jason takes a look for himself, confirming that during the few seconds they'd both been away from the window, the occupants of the van had skipped out. "They could be anywhere."

Drew flattens himself as much as possible, up against the outside wall of the building. "Alright," he whispers hoarsely, "the girl's room is this next window. You got in and grab her. I'll go around to the living room and catch 'em off guard there. With any luck we'll kill us an Elite, a traitor and bring the girl back alive. They'll have to gives us respect for that."

"You got three hours to pack up and get to the airport."

"What?!" Chance dries his hair with a towel as he wanders through his apartment after a dip in the complex's pool. "You're joking."

"No joke, O'Mally. I want you in Nevada by tonight."


"Cheif's orders."

"What, you got Reese to back you up on this?"

"He's the one that needs you. It's a bodyguard assignment. A girl needs looking after - the Agency is out to kill her."

"Ohhhh, no." Chance slings the towel around his shoulders as he ambles into the kitchen to grab a cold bottle of iced tea. Toby was crazy. "No way. I'm no babysitter."

"You're either a bodyguard or out of a job. Which do you prefer."

The refrigerator door slams shut and Chance leans back against the cool door, chilling his suntanned skin. "You're really not giving me a choice in this, are you?"

"No, Lieutenant, I'm not."

Scowling at the tiled floor, Chance is silent for several long moments as he weighs his options. The blinking light on his answering machine reminded him of the call he had yet to return. Perhaps this turn of events would actually be a benefit. "How long?"

"As long as it takes."

"I want my apartment here when I get back."


"All expenses paid. If I'm on the job twenty-four/seven, I want my bank account to show it."

Toby pauses. "Half pay for irregular hours. One meal a day paid."

Chance thinks about it before agreeing. Between both deals, he'd practically be living free. "Fine."

"Good. Airport. Three hours. Burgen will fly you up there."

Hanging up, Chance leans on the counter as he takes a swig of tea. Picking up the phone again, he dials a different number. He had very little time to make arrangements.

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