
One last shot

Destiny's scream sends both men's adrenaline racing. They couldn't have failed to keep her safe - not this quickly. Jason's gun is out of his holster quick as a flash as he sprints down the hall. His long legs bring him to the bathroom in only a couple strides, but he skids to a halt, taking in the scene at a glance. His gun outstretched, he sees the crazed look in the assailant's eyes and sees the barrel of the gun pressed to Destiny's head.

His emotions flux with anxiety as his mind thinks quickly on what to do. "Put the gun down," he directs calmly, even though he knows it will do no good. "Let the girl go and we'll keep you alive."

Jason's eyes move to Destiny's, trying to reassure her, and silently warning her not to move. He sees Chaz's finger twitching on the trigger, and knows that at any moment, Destiny could be shot.

Another split second feels like an eternity as Jason makes the decision. It was their only chance. This man before him didn't care if Destiny lived or died, and that's what made him dangerous. Jason's grip tightens on his outstretched gun and he stares Chaz directly in the eye.

A shot rings out, the only sound louder than Jason's beating heart. The bullet, with a sharpshooter's precision slices the air faster than the eye could see before lodging itself directly between the target's eyes.

Alec had been halfway down the hall, when the shattering of glass had halted him in his tracks. Spinning around, he comes face to face with Drew and the barrel of a gun. He curses Reese under his breath for not allowing him to have his own gun. His hands raised slightly, he glares at Drew.

"Well, well, well... long time no see."

Drew sneers at him. "Won't the boss be glad when we haul your carcass in? We didn't know we'd be getting a bonus today."

Alec steps to the side, circling slowly, inching towards Drew, still in the firearm's sights. "How about you take me in alive? Give them something to poke at a little bit, eh?"

"I think I rather like the sound of killing you myself, actually."

Alec stops and searches Drew's eyes. "Alright. Go for it. Just make it a clean shot, will you? You don't wanna make too big of a mess here."

Drew's finger squeezes the trigger. And it's that instant that Alec lunches. The gun goes off, shooting a hole into the ceiling and sending plaster and dust down to the floor. Alec rams into Drew headfirst, knocking the big man to the floor and going for the gun as it goes off a second time. Straddling him, it's powerplay to see who was the strongest. And whoever was, would stay alive.

The back of Alec's hand smacks Drew's face and gives just enough distraction for the grip on the gun to be loosened. And in a second's time, it's Alec who has the upper hand. Standing up, he backs up several feet, pointing the gun at Drew.

Drew lays on the floor planting, blood trickling from his lip. "Go ahead," he wheezes. "Coward."

One last shot rings out.

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