
Lowered Walls

Destiny does her best at watching Reese movements as small or as smooth as they were, her father was Agency after all he'd taught her well. Watch her back she new how to do, and stand on her own too feet she could handle but when it came to something like this, to the Agency wanting someone dead before they could get any information out. That alone broke down those strong wall and made her feel week.

"No offense. If someone had just told me there family was part of the Agency and wanted to risk your own to help me I'd have a hard time believing them at first too."

Giving a nod and shifting a little Destiny looks to Alec and than back to Reese understanding what he was saying and for a second she could fell her heart sink that he might not help her at all. That hadn't crossed her mind, to her it wasn't an option.

Letting him continue to talk and his request for staying here at perked her heart up alittle again. At least she would have a safe place to eat and sleep.

"Yes I can stay here, my father told me you would help and I could trust you. If you can have someone take me to my apartment I can get the rest of the the folders I have, and some other personal items I might need."

Continuing to stay seated Destiny's hands where folded in her lip but her fingers still moved showing she was nervous. Not of where she was but of this whole situation in general. It frightened her a little, and knowing people wanted you dead was not a good feeling.

"I have to arrange stuff for my mom and dad in a few days. Thats the only thing I'm really in a hurry for is just putting them to rest."

Giving a little nod Beth was surprised only a little that Justin was a councilor. He defiantly was different than any councilor she was forced to go to, or the ones that would come in to see her sister once a week. He was different, and he looked at things in a different manor. Beth kind of liked it even if she thought he was a little strange.

Letting out a sigh as the conversation got turned around to Beth she just looked at Justin a little sceptically for a moment. He was a councler, was he going to try be like the others if she told him and say everything would be ok? That was something Beth already new, but it never made her feel any better. However she had just admitted to herself he was different so many...his response would be different to her as well.

"Both..My sister is the only family I got left, and she's one of my best friends."

Truth was...Beth didn't have any other friends let alone the time or the will to go out and find some. Sure at work she new people, and others had asked her out, or to just hang but Beth didn't really have time between being with her sister and working. On top of that everything else just seemed pointless and she didn't fit in with people.

"I come every day to see her and some days are better than the rest."

Giving a side long glance to Justin Beth just watches him for a moment before focusing out into the yard again. Some people were walking there loved ones, but Beth's eyes seemed to rest on a small child and there mother sitting under a shaded tree with what looked like there father. He was very still, very quiet his eyes dull, but still there seemed to be a sparkle somewhere behind the blankness but the child was close up to him reading a book out loud.

For a second she got lost in her own world watching the scene in front of her remembering back a long time ago when once a week her family would gather in the living room. Each taking turns picking books to have there dad read to them while there mother could just sit knitting listing.

A tear seemed to find its way to Beth's eye swiping it away quickly realizing she had gotten lost in her own thought. Looking away twords the building and composing herself again for a quick moment Beth can't believe she just let herself lower her walls and fall into the past like that

Finally looking back to Justin again she does her best to try and move away from the fact she had just let that tear slip out.

"Once and a while there is this strange guy I run into too and he helps me smile even if its only a little. It's more than what most can do."

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