
Stand behind you

Rosetta gives a thoughtful nod as she listens to Mick. She could understand where he was coming from and why he felt this way. It was a lot to take in at once, and Jade was still a little young. But at the same time Rosetta could see the kids side to.

"Well, I do agree with you. It is a lot, and Jade is young. but at the same time I think she is also very mature for her age and understand more than we think. If they keep both there sites on God, and a healthy relationship than we should just take one day at a time."

Picking up her coffee mug that have been sitting on the table before she has started the dishes Rosetta takes a swig. Thinking for a moment before she spoke again.

"Not only that, but your blood runs though Jade, she is bullheaded and strong willed just like you. If you tell her no she can't marry Dan than it might just turn out worse. I'd rather know what was going on than have them sneaking behind our back where something more major could happen ya know?"

Letting out a small sigh over the whole situation Rosetta new this was hard. She was now in the middle. She had very own views on this whole thing and no matter what someone would be angry with her. But...even if she didnt agree Mick was her husband. She had to trust he new what to do, and they could talk more on any desitions together.

"No matter what ends up happing though Mick, I'll stand behind you, as long as we can talk about it first."

Looking up as Scott enters the room again Dalton gives a smile. Pulling his long legs closer to him he offers Scott the other end of the couch. The pizza box lay on the table with only four slices left.

"Of course I don't mind if you stay still. I am the one who offered after all."

Flipping through the channels again Dalton can't find anything to watch. The normal shows he liked weren't on and nothing else seemed to grab his attachen. Turning to Scott a little Dalton's studys him for a moment. He was happy Scott would be staying but he was still worried about his friend.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

Giving a soft smile and a nod Cassy understood what Leo was saying. Though that was the last thing from her mind, it was probably a good thing he left for the night. She needed a little sleep herself.

"It was get catching up Leo. Remember to keep your head up at work tomorrow. Everything happens for a reason."

Following Leo to the door and saying good night Cassy lingers watching his car drive down the road. A small faint smile was on her lips as her arms wrapped around herself. Everything was messed up, everything wasn't right, but it would be ok in time. After the pain healed, she and Leo would be...ok.

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