

Sitting on the hood of the car Hope just listens to Scott giving him a nod here and there. Her heart breaking from how much term oil he was in again.

Finally when Scott is done Hope scoots a little close to him. Wrapping her arm around his shoulder and pulling him a little closer to her in a side hug. Giving a kiss to Scott's head Hope just holding him and rocks gently.

"Ohhh Scott....Your not weak, and I could never want anything more than who you are. Don't think just because your having a hard time I think your weak, and want someone else because I don't. To me your perfect. And I know who you are. You'd never hurt the people you love. You might have that information in your head but I know whats in your heart."

Hope just continued to hold Scott still rocking gently with him. Leaning her head against his and just looking out at the water.

"I can't even imagen how this must feel, but I bet its not good at all. But I also know you so strong Scott your so very strong that you can beat this. You have so many friends to Scott who love you and would never think anything different from you asking."

Letting out another sigh Hope thinks for a long moment before saying anything else. She just wanted to think before she finally spoke again.

"As for your sister, she still loves you Scott...no matter what you two have been though she loves you because you are her brother. The only one she has. She will love you no matter what happens. And the others from the Agency that are no reformed in time you will be able to trust them and when you look at them you will see good people. You just have to be paysent and take on day at a time. Its gonna be a long hard road, but I wont leave you."

Hearing Jade sequel and and seeing her run for him Dan catchs her in midair and spins her around, giving her a big kissing knowing she was happy.

Pulling away and letting Jade slide to the ground Dan continues to hold her as he looks at Mick giving a laugh.

"I think we are going to drive your dad crazy."

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