
No idea

"Its gonna be alot of work, and I'm not sure who I am going to get to help me with the heavy lifting but It will be something to keep my mind busy, and bring in the money for the time being."

Taking a bit of her cookie and setting the bag down on the table Cassy gives a nod, and a small smile. It had been nice having Leo here, different and nice.

"Yeah, it is getting late, and you probably should go...but I don't see ether of us in a hurry to for it."

Cassy smiles again knowing if Leo really did have to go she understood. Just because she didn't feel like being alone quite yet, didn't mean she wouldn't be ok.

Still feeling a little weary about Scott just Hope knows he'll be ok with Dalton but she couldn't help a little worry anyways. She cared about Scott, and she loved him. Never would she want anything bad to even come to him. He was more than just a pashent and a friend to her now, he was so much more.

"Yeah that sounds good. Noon at the lake. I can't wait to see you. I miss you Scott!"

Hearing that Mick wanted to talk to her a little worry coursed through Rosetta. She could only wonder what was going on now, and seeing the look that passed through Mick's eyes it wasn't something to great.

"Sure, whats up?"

Hearing his question Rosetta can't help the shocked look on her face. She hadn't had a change to talk with Dan or Jade much since they had gotten home so the new was new to her.

"They are what? When did this happen? I had no idea."

Rosetta's eyes shown with her confusion proving she really hadnt known anything at all.

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