
Don't Pretend

Though a little bit of emotion flickers in BJ's eyes at Dylan's comment he says nothing about it. Only picking at the corners of the instruction book he was holding quiet for a long moment.

Just sitting and listing to Dylan and his reasons for not liking it here BJ's mind starts to process. Some things he was slow in, but understanding and breaking down other stuff is where his skill came in.

Standing BJ continues to look down at the ground for a moment as his foot dug into the dirt. Maybe he understood a little bit of where Dylan was coming from. When he first came here, all he wanted was Sam again, and to be with her. Though he didn't show it, he didn't like it here ether. But things had changed since than, and though the situation was different, in a way it was kind of the same.

Looking up at Dylan BJ cocks his head a little to one side as his nose scrunches just a little.

"The people here...don't pretend there lives are perfect. They just know how to be happy with what they have. Because you can always be far worse. I'll see you later....Big Brother."

Turning around BJ brakes into a run leaving as fast as he came going back to the house the only thing on his mind now was his game and the excitement to play.

Hearing Scott on the other end of the phone Hope's heart races. To hear his voice and know he was ok brought small tears to her eyes. She had been so worryed something had happend, just knowing he was ok now it was a releaf.

"Oh Scott...I am so happy your ok. Don't worry about missing lunch just knowing your ok now its forgotten."

Taking in a deep breath Hope could tell there was more on Scott's mind and she only wish he would talk to her. He felt like he had to go through this alone but he didn't. She wanted to be there in body and strange for him.

"Scott....can we talk about whats been going on? I want to be there for you and I know its been more than what you have been telling me. I just....don't want to be left in the dark. I want to help you and be there for you because your not as alone as you think you are. I love you Scott and I don't want to see anything bad happen."

Looking up at Leo Cassy gives him a small smile as she takes another sip of her tea. His words were kind and made her feel a tiny bit better, but it was better than not feeling better at all and she did appreciate it.

"Thanks for not thinking I am to crazy. We both get dumped on the same day, and meet up in a bar after not seeing each other for a long time. Talk about a small world huh?"

Holding the warm cup in her hands Cassy looking up at Leo studying him while he continued to talk. The emotions as he talked about his ex was hidden behind his eyes well, but a little did seem to slip out. Cassy new he was hurting, and she could see he cared about her and did want her hurt. Its possable thats where some of his anger came from.

"I guess sometimes we need to learn the hard way huh? Though it still sucks and I am sorry she did that to you. She must not be a smart one to let you go your such a sweet guy. I could see how working with her would both you too. I couldn't do it, so I give ya credit. But I think maybe the best thing you can do is show her she didn't break you ya know? Just keep you head up and know there will be a tomorrow. Thats...why I am going to try anyways, don't know how well it will work, but its worth a try."

Letting out a long sigh Cassy sets her tea down on the table moving the tea bag around in what little tea was left before looking at Leo again.

"Where do you work?"

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