
Brain Rotter

Dalton gives a small nod and holds out his cell. He new his friend needed some time. Though it maybe wasn't the best for him only jumping on him would make it worse.

"Here ya go Buddy."

Grabbing one of the pizza boxes and balancing his cup on the top Dalton new Scott might like some time on the phone with Hope. He didn't need his big ears listing in to his ever word.

"I'll be in the living room seeing whats on the old brain rotter if you wanna join me when your done. Then offer to stay here is still open to and its no trouble. I have the spare bedroom all set up already."

Blinking at Dylan again BJ just stands there for a moment. Though his eyes never seem to change to those of someone who had been hurt. Dylan's remarks just didn't seem to faze him.

"Nope, I am eight..but I'm smart so I can play this game, and you shouldn't be so grumpy it makes your face look funny."

Moving over to the tree next to Dylan BJ sits down. Opening the instructions again he is quiet for a long moment trying to read the words on the page and doing a pretty good job.

Finally looking up again BJ squints in the sun light.

"How come you hate it here?"

Turning back around to the cabinet Cassy trys to pick witch tea she should brew. Finally settling on some peach tea she takes it down. Starting the kettle, she thinks for a long moment about Leo's question. It was a hard subject, still an open wound but he asked she might as well tell him now.

"Yes, they are connected. The stuff in the box belong to my ex boyfriend."

Drawing quiet for a moment she waits till the tea pot whistles and pours the hot water into the cups dipping the tea bags in. Slowly limping over to the table she sets one down for Leo, pulling out a chair for herself and sitting down.

Running a finger along the rim of the cup she just thinks for a long moment before finally speaking again.

"This morning, Tom my ex decide since its been a year and I cant dance anymore there would be no way of him making it to the top with...dead weaght I guess would be what you call it."

Cassy takes a sip of her coffee letting the hot liquid roll down her throat. Emotion filled her eyes showing the wound was very new, and stung very much. From the get go Tom had told her he'd stick it out and he loved her. So to have this happen now really did sting.

"More than likely he's already found some other dancer that could take him to the top. He didn't say it...but its just one of those things you can see in someones eyes. I know crazy but...I just could."

Letting out a long sigh and sitting a little straighter in the chair Cassy's eyes drift to Leo and she gives a small smile.

"Anyways, he didn't live here but most of his time was spent here taking up residence on the couch and using my extra room to store things so he has a lot of crap around. I'm just trying to get it together so I dont have to have him hanging around hours on end just making things worse."

Taking another sip and than just looking down into the liquid as the tea bag floats Cassy does her best to compose herself before looking up at Leo again.

"So, is the dark cloud behind your eye the reason for being at the bar tonight?"

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