

Scott is oblivious to Hope moving around, caught up in a world of dreams and deep sleep. Leaning on her, his mind gets lost in the shadows that came upon him almost every night now. The dreams always started out like any other dream... no emotions were attached. Then something would go horribly wrong. He would see faces of men he never met but knew every detail of their Agency profiles. They would chase after the innocent. Gunfire would ring in his ears. He would be chased down with the rest of them, herded and fired upon. Then he would be in a room, all alone. There was chaos in the streets. He had to find a way out. His heart pumped harder and faster.

Scott gives a little jolt on the couch, still lost in sleep. Domino looks up at him and give a little whine, knowing the signs. Slipping from between him and Hope, she jumps off the couch and goes several feet away to sit and watch, knowing if she stayed, she'd wind up getting shoved off by her master.

There was always one door to escape. Whether he was in a warehouse, abandoned building, library or elegant house, there was always one way to get away. He would aim for it, suddenly only feet from an attacker. Sweat would pour down the sides of his face and he would realize that he'd been shot. Blood would be on his hands. Was it his or someone else's? He would turn to his right and see a young woman huddled in a corner, shaking, skin and bones, so cold and so sick. She would be beaten, abused and taken advantage of right in front of his eyes. But if he strayed off his path to try and save her, he would get no where, only getting farther away as if he were running in place. Then finally, he would realize she moved no more. Still needing to escape the chaos, he would finally find the door. Down, down, down into the pit of a dark basement. His attacker still behind him. Then he'd see it. His way out. But only feet from freedom, there would be an incredible roar, deafening anyone near. Then the blinding light and immense heat. The bomb had gone off.

Scott's scream shatters the silence of his house as he flies from the couch. He wasn't in his bedroom with a clear pathway though, and totally disoriented, he falls forward, catching the coffee table with his leg. Stumbling in the dark, he knocks things over and slams into the wall by the entertainment center, sinking down in the corner to hold himself tightly as his whole body shakes, his heart racing.

Alec grins and slips his arms around Ryan as she comes in for a kiss, not having known if she would give him the attention in this crowd or not, but pleased that she did. "Yeah well... an animal can't stay in a cage forever, right?"

Turning around with her, he keeps an arm around her waist, giving a nod to Eli. "Hey. Heard a lot about you."

Eli cocks his head a little, intrigued by his sister's behavior around this man. For someone she hadn't known all that long... she certainly did seem attached to him. No wonder she'd dumped Leo. "Well... I hope it's been good."

"I think it has."

"I've heard a lot about you too," Eli muses.

Alec purses his lips in thought. "I don't think I better ask about the good or bad on that one."

Eli chuckles and shakes his head. "You better not. Welcome to the races. Watch yourself around here - newcomers stick out like a sore thumb."

"You speak from experience."

"I got sore knuckles along with the thumb."

"Ah." Alec wriggles his fingers along Ryan's ribs teasingly, still talking to Eli. "I think I'll be alright."

The pause that follows is made up of a short staredown as each man sizes the other up, trying to figure him out. Eli finally looks back to his sister. "You gonna stand around all day or you gonna get in line and show these punks your loss the other night was not a foretelling of the future?"

Dani blushes slightly as she grins up at Dalton and accepts the flowers, breathing in deeply their sweet scent. "Mmm you're too sweet, you know that?"

Standing on her tiptoes, she tugs on Dalton's shirt so he'll bend even closer so she can reach his lips with hers, giving him a soft kiss. "Thank you."

Spinning around, she rummages in the cupboards to find a vase, making sure the flowers are in water before getting out plates and a stack of napkins. "Alright... movie time." Smiling, she heads into the living room, making sure Dalton is right behind her. Getting settled on the couch, they spread out the food on the coffee table so everything is easy to get at while they watch their movie. Dani missed her brother, but she had to admit that having the place to themselves was nice. "Okay...." She searches the remote control. "There we go. Play." She giggles. "I never have gotten used to where things are on this remote."

Grabbing a piece of pizza, and some wings, she settles back Indian style on the couch. "Oh, oh... and I made cookies today too so we have some dessert."

Leo laughs. "No rap. Not a problem." As Cassy goes to order the pizza, he heads to the radio, pulling it out from the the corner then finding a station that played rocks hits, new and old. Bobbing his head a little bit, he turns up the volume and goes back over to the mirrors to survey what needed to be done. After the day he'd had, it was a nice distraction.

Joined up by Cassy again, he looks down at her, giving a bit of a smirk. "Cassy - no one on this team is useless... ever."

Wandering over to some of the supplies he nods absentmindedly. "Mm-hmm... we got everything we need. We'll utilize your level to make sure we get everything straight since there's just the two of us. Let's mark out where each mirror will go then get the glue ready."

Tapping his feet to the rock music, he moonwalks back to her, tossing his head to the side. "Leo's mirror hanging at your service!"

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