
Might not live!

Getting comfortable on the couch with Scott Hope cuddle close to him with Domino next to her. Hope wrapped her arm around Scott not caring to much if it was her holding him, and not the other way around.

As Scott drew quiet Hope took note he was sleeping and he looked peaceful. Not bothering him she continues to watch the rest of the movie. Finally the credits roll and Hope gently gets off the couch. Shutting the movie off, she takes there bowls from the ice cream to the kitchen.

Making her way back to the living room once again Hope grabs a blanket and gets back on the couch with Domino and Scott. Snuggling next to him once more. It was late, and she didn't want to wake him to leave so at least until he woke Hope would stay with him. Pulling the blanket over herself and Scott it wasn't long before Hope was out too.

Stumbling forward a little as she received the bump to the knee a grin forms on her face before she even turned around already knowing who it was. Looking up at her brother her eyes meet his giving him a nod that it was ok, she new who this was.

"You know, you really should do that when my brother is standing right here. You might not live to actually see me race."

Turning around the grin still on her face, and the fire in her eyes like any other time she saw him Ryan puts her arms around Alec's neck leaning in for a kiss that lingered a few moments before pulling away.

"Look like Reese did let you out of the cage for a little while longer huh?"

Stepping back the grin still on her face she turns to her bother. Holding her hand out to him, and than back to Alec.

"Eli this is the one and only Alec, Alec this is my older brother Eli."

Stepping inside and going to the kitchen Dalton gives a hearty laugh shaking his head. Putting the pizza and wings down He pulls Dani over to him, her back against his chest. Leaning his head down so it was by her ear. Bringing the flowers around to the front of her.

"Well that girl behind the counter I don't know she was giving me eyes. Don't worry I told her to stop because my girlfriend wouldn't take to kindly to it. Unfortunately she laughed and called me a freak. I think it was just my size she was staring at. Anyways these flowers are for you, the most beautiful woman in Nevada."

Giving a laugh and seeing Leo was still ready to help Cassy nods to over in the courner were an older radio almost an antique sat.

"The door sticks a little so you need to lift up and open. I only have one request in music though..no rap. Let me order the pizza I'll be right back."

Leaning the studio area Cassy goes behind the desk pulling out the phone book and dialing the number for the pizza place.

"Yeah...large cheese and mushroom pizza, twenty-four wings, and some pepsi...forty-five minutes ok....yeah...yep just come on...just follow the music...ok...thanks."

Coming back into the studio area Cassy carried the phone with her setting it down by the wall. Giving a smile and a nod to Leo she couldn't help but laugh a little. Something told her this was going to be a lot of fun, spending this time with Leo.

"Soooo...do you want ladder hold the mirror glue duty, or no ladder on the ground hold the mirror duty?"

Letting out a sigh and shaking her head.

"Leo...I have to be honest with you. I have no idea what I am doing. I watched the guys work a little so I know some but not enough. I hope you know, and if you do can you show me how to do it so I dont feel useless?"

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