
Job well done

Scott is so disoriented that when he feels Hope's touch, he jerks his hand away. His knuckles whack the corner of the entertainment center with a loud crack and he tries wildly to focus his one eye in the dark. He doesn't even recognize who Hope is.

Like a fog lifting though, he suddenly realizes who it is sitting in front of him, and whose voice he is hearing. "Hope?"

His voice shakes along with the rest of his body as he trembles. "There was no way out... and she died and I couldn't... it was too late..." He blinks and tries to slow down, as the dark outlines of his living room start to make more sense. A dream... it was just a dream. His hand starts to hurt now from hitting it so hard and he wonders how he'd wound up in this part of the room.

"I'm... I'm sorry, I..." He would have stayed right where he was, had the trauma not affected him so. Fumbling to stand up, his knees wobble, and he stumbles forward and down the short hallway to the bathroom. What little supper he'd had was lost as he throws up, still shaking from the experience of the vivid nightmare.

Sinking down on the floor, he leans back against the bathtub and hides his face in his hands, embarrassed, scared and angry.

Domino is still out in the living room, trembling a little bit. She'd tried before to comfort her master but had never succeeded, so now she just looks up at Hope. Giving a little whine she licks Hope's hand and nuzzles her fingers, looking for some comfort of her own.

Alec and Eli are waiting for Ryan as she comes looking for them, both grinning. Eli's grin widens and he shakes his head, tossing his sister a week. "Good driving, Speedy. I made some good money on you tonight."

Alec twists his head to look down at Ryan, hearing her question. "Mmm... I'd say it was pretty good. Could be better though." Slipping his arms around her too, he leans in for a nice long kiss before pulling away. "Now that's better. Congratulations, Ry."

Eli hangs back a little, observing. He had a strange feeling in his gut. Couldn't quite pinpoint it, but it was there. Had been since Alec had arrived on the scene. He says nothing though, and just lets Ryan have her celebration. She deserved it.

Alec glances around at all the other people and the cars. There were a whole lot of things here that were awfully tempting. If he didn't have an arm around Ryan, he would probably already be into something he could get arrested for. Getting his attention back to her, he gives her a bit of a squeeze. "One of these nights I might have to tag along. See what the big deal is."

Eli snickers. "She doesn't let anybody ride with her when she's in the zone."

Alec is about to respond, when his attention is diverted, along with everyone else's.

Amidst the noisy crowd, a new sound had emerged. But it wasn't a revving engine. It was a siren. It wasn't a full wail, but enough of a bleep to get people to move out of the way and realize who was there.

Some people scatter, not wanting to be caught with some of the things they'd brought with them to this secluded location. Some try to slip into the shadows, knowing they can't be caught, but wanting to see what happens. Most stay, knowing that the cops tolerated their racing out here, in order to keep them off the city streets.

It wasn't a normal police car though. It was a black pickup with a single flashing red and blue light. And the officer wasn't a regular police officer. He was in plain clothes, but wore a sidearm, and his badge was unique.

Jason scans the crowd, his facial expression of one who was in no mood for games. He'd been called away from his date with Katie and he was not happy about it. Holding up his badge, he addresses the curious few who had gathered around him. "I'm looking for Alec Banks - has anyone seen him here tonight?" With no response, his eyes narrow. "I was told he was here. If no one's gonna help me, then stay out of my way while I find him myself."
I get a tip and I still have to go on a wild goose chase. Why me? Con would have been a good pick for this one.

Alec is still standing with Ryan a short ways away as he hears Jason's voice. A curse is muttered under his breath. "That was fast." He glances down at her and sighs. "I guess I forgot to mention the part about me ducking security at TJY to get here."

It was suddenly very obvious that Reese had not given him extra time today, but he'd taken it anyway.

Eli quirks an eyebrow. "Guess they don't tolerate that sort of thing, huh?"

"Unfortunately. Looks like one of the top dogs has come to take me in. And just when I was starting to have fun." Though Alec's words were a bit humorous, his tone indicated that he was not happy. He'd been giving Reese what he wanted lately, but the whole deal was growing old and Alec was getting tired of it. His freedom was still just out of reach.

Dani grins as she licks wing sauce off her fingers, completely stuffed from eating so much. Being pulled closer to Dalton to receive the kiss to the head, her grin widens. "Nah, I'm not too good to you," she argues.

Cleaning up with a napkin and leaving everything on the table for now, she scoots back on the couch and turns to face Dalton, letting the movie get lost in the background. Her eyes sparkle teasingly. "I can try though."

Taking his shirt collar to pull him to her, she presses her lips to his for a long moment before drawing back and searching his eyes. Looking down then back up again, she bites her lip, contemplating whether she should or shouldn't. Throwing caution to the wind, she shifts around a little more, slipping one leg over Dalton's so she could sit on his lap, facing him. They could replay the movie parts they missed later.

Slipping her hands around his neck, she looks into his eyes before resting her forehead against his. "You're way too comfortable," she murmurs. "You might not get rid of me." Moving her face down again, her lips find his once more and this time she lets the moment continue, allowing passion into her kiss.

Leo focuses on the task at hand and gives a little scoff. "I've had better days," he responds. Marking on the wall with a pencil and ruler, he shakes his head. "This one downright sucked."

Turning a little to see Cassy, he gives a shrug. "Things were okay 'til Miss "I'm gonna dump you for another guy" showed up with the other guy. It wasn't so great. But... it's over. Whatever. I'm still trying to move on. And now..." He looks back to the wall. "We got mirrors to hang and that's a much more interesting subject."

For the next few hours, the work persisted. It was a struggle with just the two of them and by the time the hours had passed, Leo was hot and sweaty, having downed several cans of pop along with the pizza Cassy had ordered. He was determined to finish the job though, so even after it was quite dark out, he insisted on continuing.

Once the last mirror was up on the wall though, it was worth it. Standing back and surveying their handiwork, Leo falls onto the floor, lying flat out on his back. He was going to be sore tomorrow. But it was worth it. "I don't think I can move," he mumbles to Cassy. "If you got a pillow I think I could just stay right here."

Grinning, he turns his head but doesn't get up. "Job well done. You'll have this place running in no time."

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