

David gives Angelica a teasingly sly look. "I am trying to keep you away from work... just for tonight. For old time's sake. So the movie's on me."

Finishing up his ice cream, he stands, holding out his hand to Angelica. "Shall we? You get to pick the movie and I promise I won't complain, even if it's a chick flick."

...Several hours later, David is waving after Angelica's car as it drives away from the hotel. Watching until the taillights disappear, he finally picks up his bags and goes through the door to check in.

Lying awake for a long time after getting into bed, David's mind wanders. Tonight with Angelica had really been like old times... only better. She was so full of life. Not everyone saw it because she hid behind her work. But so had he for many years. But when he'd taken over the firm, he'd realized that becoming a workaholic was only killing him. There was more to life than winning cases... and tonight had been a stark reminder.

Unfortunately, there was just one problem. Angelica. She'd laughed, she'd smiled and she'd talked about old times. But David could see in her eyes, that she really had no idea what she'd done to him all these years. A lot of women had come his way, but none had outshined her. Would she ever see?

Rolling over, David finally turns off the lamp and tries to get some sleep. It would be an early morning.

Letting Karla just remain in silence, eventually, Kip realizes that she has fallen asleep. He doesn't mind, comfortable enough to stay.

Going for the remote, he shuts the tv off, then reaches back to flip off the bedside light. A dim light in the corner casts a slowly swirling mix of colors onto the ceiling - a mesmerizing display that could put anyone to sleep. And it did. Soon Kip was sound asleep as well, his arm still draped over Karla.

The night, like all nights, passes under the watch of the moon and the light of the stars. Hope rose beyond the horizon, even though shrouded in a mist of grey.

Kip stirs and licks his dry lips, shifting a little on his bed before he realizes that he's being kept warm by another body. For a second, he almost panics before the evening before comes back to him. Karla, the fire...

Moving his arm a bit, he stretches his neck, feeling the crick in it from half-sitting up all night against his pillows. He didn't even know what time it was but... he was surprisingly comfortable.

"Hey, Kip." Erik bursts through the door without knocking. "Out of bed. Theo called and-" His statement comes to a screeching halt as he looks at the bed and blinks. "Kip..."

Kip's eyes widen. "Erik, just hang on. It's not-"

"What in the name of this green earth do you think you're doing?!"

"I was resting peacefully until you came in," Kip retorts. His arm tightens around Karla, making sure she knew he didn't want her to leave. "Get your mind out of the gutter."

Erik crosses his arms, not amused in the least. "I can't change the history."

"Neither can I." Kip throws him a glare, his voice turning to ice. "I'd appreciate it if you held your tongue in present company, and show a bit of compassion here."

"Compassion for what? You sleeping with-"

"Something wrong with sleep?" Kip counters. "A friend's bed is better than the street, don't you think?"

Erik's eyes narrow, now confused. "Somebody want to explain what's going on before I really get upset?"

Angelica's door is ajar and David easily pushes it open with a finger, peeking inside. "Well, there she is." A smile spreads on his face as he sees her behind her desk. He'd agreed to be picked up at the hotel after breakfast, but he'd shown up to TJY early, unannounced in his jeans, white button shirt and light brown leather jacket.

"Thought I'd stretch my legs so I took a walk and lo and behold, I found the great Elite headquarters." He still grins, his dark eyes twinkling. "Don't tell me how long you've been here already - I don't wanna know 'cause I'll feel guilty for sleeping so well last night."

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