
Probably kiss you

Taking the kleenex from Kip Karla pats her nose and her eyes so she didn't get Kip's shirt anymore wet than it already was. He was being so sweet and nice to her, trying his best to help. His words were soft and sweet, at least he was trying to comfort her. Really it was the only comfort she had ever known so to her, it was the best.

Gently tucking her hand under her head again the kleenex still close Karla just stairs across the room focusing on the wall. Tears still roll down her cheek as Karla thought about her lost friend, but a little bit of comfort had washed over and at least for now, helped calm her.

Finally as the minutes tick on, the tears take there told, and the stress of the night wears away at Karla's body. Slowly thought she tried to fight it, her eyes drift shut. With a mind so full right now, and heavy worry on the heart one would wonder how sleep could come, but it did and before she new it Karla was out of it.

Angelica lets out a laugh at Davids mention to staying at her place. It was funny to hear him joking so much but at the same time it was a nice refresher. Being able to joke, and just kick back felt good, even if her mind was on there case anyways.

"Ha, I'd tell them all to mind there own business and probably kiss you as a joke of course just to make them talk more. But I guess that wouldn't be a good thing huh? So I do know a good motel down the road from my place we can get you a room. Its a clean place, with warm water."

Taking the last bit of her ice cream Angelica pushes the bowl forward a little as she leans onto the table. Just shaking her head for a long moment the smile doesn't leave Angelica's face.

"I am going to start thinking you trying to keep me from my work. I probably wont sleep much tonight anyways. I never do when I have a case on my mind.There is a movie theater about a block and a half from here. A little more fun couldn't hurt I guess before I buckle down."

Angelica liked having her old friend around again, it really was nice. She liked everyone at TJY and spending time with them its just with David, they had spend so much time in law school and than there firm afterwords that they really did know eachother so well. It was just a whole different feel to it.


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