

Dalton looks up and smiles as his friend comes back into the room. He looked to be doing a little better. Shaking his head he replied to Scott.

   "Nope, nothing at all. It gonna be one of those days. So if you need to go feel free. I'm having steak dinner tonight though so if you feel like stopping by feel free."

Hearing the doorbell Maggie perks up and looks at Nate. Seeing him nod she runs to the door. They had been told Garret might stop by and though she didn't say anything Maggie really hopped it would.

Getting to the door and hopping up and down she tried to look out the window that was way at the top. About the fourth hop she squealed seeing it was in fact Garret. Opening the door her smile could not get any bigger than it already was.

   "Garret!!! Nate said you might come over, I've been waiting. What took so long?"

Maggie steps aside to let Garret in she smile never breaking from her face. She couldn't remember a time when she had been so excited for someone to come over, But to her Garret was special.

Holding Brian Nate watches as Maggie leaves to answer the door and he smiles looking back to Laura and giving a small nod. She was being so understanding with this whole thing. He was thankful for that and even if she didn't understand he was thankful she trusted him.

   "Garret. we are in here."

Catching the nickle that was tossed at her Adison almost dropped it but didn't. Looking to Krik she shakes her head and cant help the small laugh.

   "Only a nickle...I was at least worth a quarter."

Standing and stretching she new it was that time and she should probably get back to the office herself.  She had a lot of paperwork left herself and if she didn't get it done the boss would have her head. He sure was ornery lately.

   "Paperwork, Pizza, Loud music...what more could you ask for? I'll try to control myself from stopping by."

Just feeling Eric's warming sent chill's through Stacy. Eric's warmth, his love he was like eletric static and she loved every moment of the warm feeling. Never had she felt so love, comfortable, and accepted. 

   "And you guys mean everything to me. My world would be a whole lot darker without you in it."

Pulling away a little Stacy looks up at Eric and runs her hand down the side of his face for a moment. Something was different, maybe even wrong, she could tell. Nothing serious, but still something and it worried her slightly.

   "Is everything ok?"

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