

Turning and looking at Garret slightly Nate looks back to Laura and smiles. She was always so good, at almost everything it always amazed him. Looking to Maggie and nodding for her to come here he hands Bryan to her before standing himself.

   "You watch Bryan while I go get Garret some clean clothing."

Maggie couldn't help the smile that grew on her face as the baby was placed in her arms. She loved her little nephew more than anything in the world. 

Once Nate was gone from the room Maggie walked over to Garret with Bryan and smile. Than looking at Garret again she smiled a little more.

   "Bryan, this is my friend Garret, Garret this is my nephew Bryan."

Coming back into the room a little bit later Nate had a shirt, some pants, and socks for Garret. Holding them out to him. With his other hands he ruffles Maggie's hair as she goes to sit done with the baby. 

   "Here ya go. These should fit you I think. At least they will be dry and you can attempt to not get a cold."

Nate nods down the hallway. It would probably be helpful if Garret new where to change at.

   "If you go down this hall here, and take a left the bathroom is the first room on the right. You can change there. Also have you eaten yet? We have some left overs. Laura always cooks for an army.  I wont complain though that means I get to bring food to work with me."

Hearing the loud music Adison new knocking would be no use. Pulling her keys out she unlocked the door and stepping side. Just following the sounds to the room he was in she stepped in herself  and couldn't help her eyes went wide as she continued to suck on the sucker she had in her mouth. The room was a mess with papers, but she new good and well they all meant something, and were all right where Kirk wanted them.

Stepping over the papers and coming up behind Kirk, Adison puts her arm over his shoulder and looks at the same wall he was looking at. Taking the sucker out of her mouth for a moment she points it at Dalton's name. 

   "So is this the giant that threatened to beat your face in for messing with Scott?"

 Adison new and well she would probably scare the crap out of him but she did it anyways on ready in case he took a swing at her. She's duck, he's feel bad, it had happened before...quite a few times. She had a good habit of sneaking up on him without even meaning too.

Stacy's eyes softened as she looked at Eric. She could understand where he was coming from with the Agency attack. He had a lot to lose, and so did she. Even if she didn't say anything it had unnerved her too. The only thing that relaxed her was knowing she was on guard, and so were a few others to help.

   "Oh Eric...I'm ok...we are all ok."

Taking Eric into a hug She holds him for a long moment. Just holds him reassuring that she is ok and he had just had a dream.

   "From what everyone says we should be ok for now. I dont really understand it all, but I trust what Con said before he left. Not to mention, I'm on watch...what more could you ask for?" 

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