

Opening her eyes slowly to the sound of Kirk's voice Adison squints in the sun light. Had she fallen asleep on Kirk. As her eyes focus and a smile spread across her lips.

   "I'm not sure if you or the coffee smiles better at the moment."

Moving to sit up Adison takes the coffee from Kirk and smiles her fingers brushing his for just a moment. Taking a sip she closes her eyes again for a quick second. 

    "Do you know me, or do you know me. Thank you for the coffee. I guess this morning I wont make you cook for me."

Work was not far away and she new she still needed to get dressed and ready too. It was a good think her own apartment wasn't far from his. Pulling the blanket off and taking another sip of the coffee before streching and looking back to Kirk.

   "Sorry I fell asleep on you. I hope you got your report done ok,"

Just watching the fire flys as the spotted the night with light Ashlee felt content. Even with having someone there she just felt comfortable. Setting her hand down next to her, her hand brushed Travis and she withdrew it quickly not know what else to do. She gave him an apologetic look. She didn't want to offend him.

   "The city is nice, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Maybe a small town, or here, but not the city. I like the quiet sometimes."

Quiet again to listen Ashlee let Travis talk. She could always sense his confusion, and maybe even a little hurt. She felt bad for him. He seemed like such a nice guy.

   "An undiscovered road can be fun sometimes. Scary but fun depending who you travel it with. When my mom an I first moved here I was scared, I didn't know what to expect. Than when she started dating Eric I was scared too. Ever since I was born it had just been me and her. I never new my dad, and I didn't know what it would be like to have someone else in her life. I hurt some people on the road to trying to figure it out but, I mean so far it turned out ok. I hope..."

Ashlee looks at Travis again and smiles.

   "...I hope everything for you will turn out ok too. All in all...I think its been nice having you here..even if I dont know you all that well yet."

Ruffling his sisters hair he nodded at Garret. Maggie sure was something and he loved every bit of her. She brought so much joy into his life, and from time to time even had something to teach him. Nodding at the door he started walking twords it stopping and waiting for Maggie.

Getting up from the beg Maggie smiles at her brother and than looks to Garret. Placing a hand on his shoulder she leaned over him and put a kiss on his for head and patted his shoulder lightly. Turning to leave the room she just looked back at Garret one more time before exiting the room.

Closing the door behind him Nate exits as well walking along side his sister. Putting his arm around Maggie he pulls her in closer.

   "You did good you know that?"

Looking up at Nate Maggie smiles though her eyes still held worry.

   "Will Garret be ok?"

   "He should be sweety...you just keep on him about eating, and taking those meds ok?"


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