

Just listing to Travis Angel wished she could take away his pain and make things easier for him. She new this whole thing was so messed up and his world really was flipped. Did she have good words, or would it make it worse.

   "You always have other options Travis. You are old enough to decied what you want in life. No matter if its here, there with your mom, or somewhere else. You can take all the time you need too. Just because you are here for a while, dosnt mean you cant leave, and even if you go back with your mom dosnt mean you cant leave again too."

Angel falls quiet again searching his face and thinking about what had happened a few days agos. She didn't want to pry, and she new it wasn't her place but she wasn't one to really hold things back ye either.

   "Nothing will probley be the same anymore. That's life. We all have our story here, we all gave traveled rough roads, and we have all been lost...even me. But here we are..we all had to move forward and not stand still. You are far to young Travis to let your life stop..agency, danger, long lost family. Don't stop living, dont forget to enjoy the road. Do what you want to do with life, and not what everyone wants you to do. This is your story...so dont hesitate to write it."

As Garret opens his eyes again and the cloth falls to the floor Maggie is quit to put it up and get another one. Hearing him talk to her she smiles just a little and gives a nod of her head. She had been there this whole time. Even after Nate had told her he'd take over for a little bit she had insisted to stay. 

   "Uh-huh...I have to make sure you get better, I have to make sure you are already. Nate said it was my job to keep the cloth on you. I cant let you die...you are the only friend I've got."

A tear rolled down Maggie's cheek. It was hard for her to tell when something was serous and when something wasn't. Even when Nate and Laura got sick it was hard on her. The only thing she new was when she was sick, she had to go to the hospital and it was bad, she always was in danger of something worse happening...it was just hard for her to see the difference. 

Standing there for a few moments longer Adison considered what Kirk was saying. Who was she to just roll over when someone pushed her. She didn't want Kirk in trouble, but he said he didn't care already. She hated it but she couldn't give in and just accept someone treating her like that.

Leaving the water cooler Adison walked straight to Tod's desk and leaned on it glaring down at him. She was in no mood for messing around.

   "I've changed my mind. I'm not going on a date with you tonight."

   "Soo...you want me to tell the boss than about the paper work?"

   "I dont care who you tell Tod, but so help me..."

Adison leaned in closer to her that fire that had been in her eye before was still there, she was mad and she was done with games.

   "...If you ever dare to black mail me, or ANYONE else into doing something they dont want to do my fist is going to be shoved so far down your throat you wont be able to talk again."

Turning and leaving his area Adison went back to her own. She didn't care who had heard, and she didn't care what people thought. She was done!

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