
Failed you

Just watching again for a long moment Nate though about many things that had gone on in the day. From Garret helping, to His mood change, to him being here and now. Everything with Garret confused him, maybe because he really didn't know him all that well and yet there was still that need, that want to help and be there.

   "Pft, I am not even close to a replacement for Justin. Just a friend letting you know I am here if you even need him. No matter how cranky you get."

Taking another long sip of his tea Nate's heart really did hurt for Garret. How things where different from what he was use to. How his ideas on how things worked had been screwed. Almost like going to a new country, and having an idea on how the culture worked from movies you had seen.  But when you get there it was the complete opposite. 

   "Your not foolish, and don't ever lose those grand ideas. Things just run differently than intended. You stepped into a world you new nothing about, No body can blame you for how you are feeling because of it. Things might not be happening at the speed you want them too but they are happening."

Slowly but surly Garret was changing, and so were the people around him. Trusting him more, getting use to him be there, he had his own room too. It might not be what he expected, or wanted but it was step up from a cell.

   "You helped me today at Brookshire, and I was so thankful. If you hadn't we never would of seen that woman, and we never would be on the path we are now."

Nate thinks again for a second. Garret had gotten so upset with him before he wondered if bringing it up again was such a good idea. 

   "I wasn't upset with you earlier about he whole computer thing and I'm not your babysitter not even in the least. I do want to help keep you on the right path, and continue to keep you out of prison. But I can't do that if I dont know whats going on. I was put in charge of that and I take it very seriously. Not just because its a job, but because weather you like it or not you have a friend. You have more than one friend actually...and I think she'd be pretty upset if I failed you."

Grabbing another slice of pizza and taking a bite She chews thoughtfully. What a mess, this whole thing and what a toll it was having on Kirk. Soon it would be over though, and what happened happened, she just hope he didnt blame himself whatever it might be.

   "How about finding more good than bad? Maybe in your report don't lie, but talk about about the good."

Flipping the pizza around and eating the crust before the rest of the pizza Adison thinks once again. Hearing the thought of all nighters she perks up a little and makes her eyes go wide looking at Kirk.

   "Do you remember what happened LAST time we pulled all nighters..."

Her words linger in the air....

   "Lets do it again....tell me what to do and I'll do it."

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