

Ignoring the wack to his head, Kirk just kept talking until Adison slid down next to him. Letting her have her turn, he just listened, genuinely appreciating her insights. As someone outside the case itself, she had a different perspective, and he needed that. She was right - where would these people be without being a part of the Elite? But what about rules? Protocol? But was it worth destroying their world as Adison was implying? 

"Better..." The wheels in Kirk's mind sped up. "Yes...better," he mumbled. Getting to his feet, he almost tripped over some of the papers, but managed to tiptoe around them to get to his table where he bent to use his laptop, talking as he typed. "The Elite is a self-sufficient living organism, comprised of self-taught agents with abilities and dedication, in some instances, surpassing even that of the FBI." He paused and looked over his shoulder, but kept typing. "To dismantle such an organization would be equal to destroying a well-oiled machine whose purpose is not yet finished. But to come alongside in order to help make better what is already established would be to the benefit of the Elite, the FBI and the civilian community whom the Elite has worked so hard to protect." 

Straightening up, he turned back to stare at what he'd just typed. It was all true. Despite the flimsy structure and vigilante ways of the Elite, his true feeling was to not force them to close. He stroked his short beard in thought. "How the heck am I going to combat all the negative evidence though?"

Wandering back to his spot, he lowered himself down next to Adison again and finished off his pop. "I can't lie. I think my final statement outweighs the negative aspects. But I know good and well Barnes won't agree." Their superior was beyond strict when it came to doing things by the book. "I can't not include the information I've learned - that would be just as bad." He groaned. "At most, they'll shut down the Elite. At the very least, they'll tighten the reins. But you tighten them too much, and things come to a standstill, which is counter-productive." 

He turned to shove his face into her shoulder. "Why me?" he mumbled. It took him a moment, but he finally straightened again to stare at all his paperwork. "Okay. Not my call whether or not the Elite survives. I'm just to present facts both good and bad and let Barnes take it from there." He nodded, although on the inside, he still felt as if he held the future in his hands. It all hinged on the perspective of his report and what he might recommend. 

"I...think I'm gonna be pulling some all-nighters to wrap this up," he mused. He glanced to the pizza box and propped it open with a toe. "Two pieces left. You gonna help me finish it or what? I gotta keep you fed so you don't go telling anyone I shared all this with you."

Done eating and just trying to decide if he should go ahead and leave, Garret was yet again surprised by Maggie. It was one thing to have her grab his hand or be excited to see him. It was quite another for her trust him and be comfortable enough to get this close - and even fall asleep without concern. 

Garret propped his feet up on the coffee table as he listened to Nate, although his eyes didn't look at him yet. "You Justin's replacement?" he questioned softly but with just a bit of sarcasm. Talking was not his strong suit, especially when it came to himself or his own inner issues. 

As Maggie shifted into him more, he automatically lifted his arm to drape it around her. He wasn't sure why. A part of him would just as soon she not get this attached - this was rather awkward to say the least. But a part of him...liked it, too. Why this girl's affection had such an effect on him, he'd never know. He looked down at her sleeping form before leaning his own head back on the couch and closing his eyes. He, himself, was exhausted. He shouldn't be this tired yet, but he felt as if he'd been awake for days without sleep. He had to stay awake though. He had to leave soon. Go back to the Elite. To his own room. Get out of people's hair and stay where he belonged. 

"You don't want to hear my venting," he finally answered Nate quietly so as not to wake Maggie. He opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. "I came to the Elite with grand ideas. I was foolish. And that pretty much sums up my life at this point. There's really not a whole lot more to say." Actually, there was. He'd been unreasonably upset earlier today and he had yet to deal with it. It would just come back again. But how could he admit aloud what he knew to be true deep down? 

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